Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. I think if you say it's wrong change the amount of letters your username can be then. It's not there fault you gave them the choice ;).
  2. Wow guys, 27 pages so quickly on a so called name exploit.

    Hmmm, first of all, good job dev's on removing the long name exploit. But bad job on how you handled this. Blackmail is not becoming of you. I don't think that money is the problem here, it is the principle of it. There are so many other ways of handling this situation that would not involve people paying you money to adjust to your new rule.

    1. For example, you could have announced that all names will be shortened in 3 days so they will all fit in the User Interface window. All users who want to change their names can do so before this time frame and all others will have the first 5 characters stripped off their names. Problem solved, people have the chance to change on their own and others don't need to spend money adjusting to your new rule. Problem solved without blackmail.

    2. Or like many people have stated here, just give those long names a free name change. Simple, no blackmail needed.

    3. Or change your game interface to accomodate the longer names.

    All 3 of these options don't involve threats and blackmail like you have done dev's. Shame on you!!!!!
    It is the principle of it guys. You make the rules that cost people money when there are many other ways to handle it. You look greedy and unprofessional.

    I don't like barcode names like the rest of KaW, I am sure, but they are part of the game. Thanks for closing this long name loophole devs, but please figure a way to make these changes without threatening and blackmailing your customers.
  3. how about you stupid shady devs make it so that people cant type a name that long. Tis your own faults its set up that way.

  4. I completely agree. I have no problem with complying. The sad fact is I am unemployed and simply don't have 2 bucks to spend until next week. I do however think that if this is how the situation is going to be handled by ATA. I'd much rather cease to play as this will not be the last time a one sided request will be made.

    It is bad enough that I have spent $70 on pro packs and hundreds of dollars on crystals. Spending the $2 isn't really such a big deal until it is required when you have not violated terms and conditions. So truly it is the point of the matter.

    Just as a heads up you can see all 30 letters on a pc. If you do happen to get an elypsis (...) you can double click the name and copy. When you paste the whole name is displayed. I can also see the full name on android. So this "Exploit" seems to only affect Iphone users and people with small monitors or low resolutions. How is that my fault?

    I'll comply but I will not pay to do so.
  5. Oh and by the way... In a recent osw we change names to make it diffucukt for people to tell te difference between all hitters, not because it was an "exploit" . As we are not an "ee" clan, we did not think as far as to whether could be unread for "tracking". So devs, it is NOT obvious that it was meant to "exploit". You idiots made it able to make a name that long. To say someone with that name intentionally did so to exploit is incorrect, as you have no possible way of knowing what one thinks unless specifically told by the individual. I piss on your shoes.
  6. Dear DEV$, why don't you just build our kingdoms for us, change our names and put us in a clan so they are all evenly matched so all we need to do is left click mindlessly. You are slowly taking away any strategies one has over the others and also taking away the fun not to mention $2 for every EE war I participate in.
  7. Kaw admins and devs, if u dont offer free name change, could u at least give us option to use miths for a name change please. Hope to hear from you Kaw Admin
  8. Wouldnt it be more fair to give them a free name change?
  9. Extra long names clearly break the spirit if not the letter of KaW's warring. 99% of players with them don't even know what an OSW is. Tons of them happily nob and spend on crystals every week so now $2 is an unaffordable expense?
    You took a chance, it worked for a while it's done now. You get no sympathy from me. Don't have the $2 now? Wait until you do or delete your app I doubt the majority of players or the devs will miss u much.
    BTW strategy is using GHs in EE, not having a 99 letters name - the latter is an exploit.
  10. Longer name exploit or not the simple part is this
    1 the names were not against the rules when they were PAID FOR

    2 the developers ARE excluding players who PAY TO PLAY via xtals In estoc trials

    3 thought was put into names and players PAID for a product.

    4 the developers have changed the rules and as such are denying paying customers the right to use a product they paid for by excluding them from a part of the game play by removing them from being able to gain a reward any other player that wars is entitled to.

    As such they are forcing the change.

    They are forcing people to spend REAL money and do not have the legal right to deny a customer the product they purchased without offering a refund or exchange.

    It's that simple

    No objection to the change of rules but customers should be refunded as they are being forced into the change.

  11. So then you are saying that because you play on a Idevice and can't see my whole name that this is an exploit? PC's and Android both work fine for this situation. Does this also mean tha BFA jumping and barcode name changes during war are less of an exploit?
  12. Hey I track on Mac and for long ones it does not work. Bottom line is the rules changed this was a classic exploit the devs did not foresee and now they are closing the loophole.
  13. And no the other exploits are just as bad but that does not mean that this one should not be addressed.
  14. So wait a second. Let me get this right.

    Names like WWVWVWVWWW.... or MWMWMMMMWW... Are you(ATA) consider against the "spirit" of the game?

    What about the majority of clans that use outside programs to track targets? That's all good "spirit" of the game????

    Your system is tragically flawed ATA. There is no "spirit" to it. This system is about who can exploit it the best. Tragic.
  15. W and M bc are hard to find but some clans hav tones of bc wen they war isn't that just as bad as long names coz u still really struggle to find who they are so it's exactly the same
  16. Sorry prophet but, would you change your name to a barcode or a 90 characters one? I don't think so. So you seem to be abiding by a set of rules that excludes exploiting at all costs. You look for Strategies to improve your chances like spy def towers that's what I mean by 'spirit of the game'
  17. As stated devs changed the rules
    Devs can pay for it. They cannot lag ally take away a product that was purchased. If you spent nobility on a regen and got 0 troops everyone would complain.
    Paying customers are being forced to spend more money or be excluded from the game. That is the point.
    Refund their nobility points or its theft simple as that.
    Grey area or whatever means nothing.
    No customer did anything that broke terms of use.
    The spirit of ee was never set as a full set of rules that was clearly breached.
    Any customer that paid for a product they are being forced to change is entitled to a refund or the devs are committing an act of theft
    That's the issue and anyone who has already paid to change names needs a refund for it as they have being stolen from.
    No one would complain about the new rule if it was not costing real money they have already paid for the product they have now being told they cannot use in a part of the game.
  18. Actually the ToU - like all contracts regulating services - has legal wording to the effect that the devs are entitled to change the rules as they just did. So no theft Batman - just good US of A legalese - ah... The Land of the Free (to play KaW or not)
  19. Lag ally ???? Legally ^^^
  20. @ person who thinks they know me.

    Umm yeah I would. I'm pretty sure a large majority of my spy alts are barcodes. Has nothing to do with EE either.

    And sorry you are so off if you think names like this are against the spirit of the game but using outside programs to track isn't.