Estoc Trials - Long User Names

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 2, 2013.

  1. Free name change and this will all be over and done with, we already used 20 nobs to change to this name and u want us to use 20 nobs to change back, that's 40 nobs for nothing, just a easy way to try and make more money from players, kaw used to be fun and no crap like this, now it's all about money and buying crystals for war and making ebs so long that you have to use loads of xtals, kaw used to give free xtals every few weeks, now all they care about is making money, if this was 2 years ago devs would give free name change in the blink off an eye
  2. *sigh*
    They aren't targeting your clan and barcoded usernames aren't being touched as long as you can see the whole name on the screen.
  3. If I had someone insulting me and demanding free nobs, I wouldn't be giving them free name changes either.
  4. Lol devs, this is low even for you. How far down are you willing to go to make an extra buck?? Blackmailing your paying customers by telling them, lose everything you fought hard for, or pay us to change your name. Every attempt you make to make more money, sure you get some people to play along with your scheme, but you also lose paying customers. Just for how terrible an attempt this was, you should give all people with "Too" long names a FREE name change, and 2 free crystals. This was so sad by you. I also would like to suggest we hire new devs
  5. Wow... Funny how people think wwww's was an exploit and the reason why we won... Kings will go back to their names and will not use any type of barcodes... And I don't think we'll all of a sudden be a bottom dweller war clan cuz of it haha...

    Our complaints were A) as wulf stated, it could not be seen in any screen... However I saw it just fine on my screen. B) it's an exploit... Come on, every strategy can be figured out. I remember when taka and spankers changed names on us midwar to barcodes... Caught us off guard... Was a great lesson for us to be better prepared next time... Did we cry exploit? No... I commend them on successful using the tactic against us... It also alerted us that we need to be prepared for all scenarios. C) change a rule mid season is my complaint... First it was times, then names, what's next? D) make people pay for changes that u saw before the season and now that enough clans cry about it cuz their tracking skills don't allow them to track? Lame... Like i said, i have 0 problems tracking wwww's. Many of the www's we have faced... Any they hit us just fine as we have tracked them just fine as well..We have plenty of nob's... We didn't need the free 20 nobs... It's just the way the devs went about it... Was wrong.

    So if we start losing every war for the rest of the season, I will come back to forums and state I was wrong.... I don't see that happening though... 

    KINGS- please refrain from posting more about this issue
  6. Respect WSP 
  7. Complete bull **** devs. They didn't break any rules and are now forced to pay to keep rewards.

    Devs suck ass lately!
  8. Devs do not suck if they want they will give us free noobs for name change if they don't then they won't and they gave ya a ton of free xal sometimes they gave you one after a update they did that cause they wanted to they didn't have to and you got alot of it from quest it's there game losing a few customers won't do nothing
  9. Devs should give free name change to offenders just as they gave us a chance at full refund on tearing down towers when they eliminated that exploit.

    They are not doing this to make money, just stop it already. there are so few affected by this it's laughable.

    If multiple people have the EXACT letters, numbers, characters in their names until it falls off the screen (then change only last digit as no 2 names can be exactly alike) It reports the exact same!

    You can not track it and it is an exploit.

    So for everyone that doesn't understand - if you post CC and your entire name can be seen you are fine!

    If you post CC and just 1 digit is different than anyone else's before it falls off the screen you are fine.

    If your clan purposefully made your names not trackable (and yes you did it on purpose knowing what you were doing) then they need to be changed, but again you should not have to pay for it as it was not illegal. everything else stays the same.

    The only people I see complaining are those that don't seem to understand. You just need 1 of your first 20 something digits to be different than anyone else's - that's it just 1 different character before it falls off screen.

    Having your name be the same as someone else is not allowed - some people have accomplished this by just making their names so long that they essentially are the same.

    To think when you make a game you will figure out every possible way to cheat it before releasing it is ridiculous - kaw is eliminating exploits as they pop up.
  10. The devs aren't forcing ppl to pay to change name you don't have to war, you don't have to use xtals you choose to willingly and last time I checked you can complete eb's without xtals excuses excuses excuses tsk tsk tsk
  11. What screen is that king? Pc?

    Some of us war from phone. :(

    @ Wwww :
    For nothing? It did help with your wars right?
    Kinda silly asking for a free name change, when you decided to exploit the loophole knowingly.
  12. Hey devs, give us our 20 nobs soon. Most of us wont pay for the name change. Arent you profiting alot already? You get so much money when people buy xtals. Atleast give us nobs to change names, wont be that hard. We paid to change our name. Now that you have a problem with it, we need to have our nobs by now 
  13. The whole can be seen on computer or on Android. Only idevices can't see the whole name, and on an idevice IlIl names cannot be distinguished either because of the crappy font used. When there is no difference in effect, why is one fine but the other punished severely?
  14. It's too hard so let me make it easier for u little boy is this what the world has come too 
  15. How did we knowingly exploit a loophole when the supposed loophole has just been found
  16. This is blackmail fraudulent and overall offensive is it fair u have to have 2 xstals is it fair when u get a mismatch vs bigger clan w 3 more members is it fair a mod cries n a whole clan has to change their names
  17. Just been found? ( Been used for a while now )
    It just got rectified now. Or a dev attempt to.

    I'm pretty sure you dint change your name to that , other than for the season wars.
  18. Why cannt the devs change the wWwww to IIIIiqouod it be that hard??? Well Maby but it wouldn't be a name change because its just replaceing the same idea just with a little but different letters
  19. To everyone complaining all barcode should be banned, just shut up.

    I play on an android. I see the barcode letters just fine. I notice which ones are I and which are L. But when I face sotra I cannot see the name. No it never bugged me cause I don't track, but to say that barcode like the worms should also be changed is stupid. Many trackers can tell the difference, but not everyone can see the extremely long name.
    WWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWVWWWWVWWKINGV TELL me how that compares to this: W32_SQLE_WormllIllIlIllIlIllIl