Estoc Trials - Estoc's Edge Update - Poll

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 10, 2013.


Estoc's Edge Change

  1. YES - 33% for 48 hours

    8 vote(s)
  2. YES - 20% for 7 days

    45 vote(s)
  3. NO - Keep it as it is

    184 vote(s)
  4. ALTERNATIVE - Give Vanished Paladin EB access to losers

    239 vote(s)
  1. That would be against ToU if you're logging into another account..
  2. Not logging into another account. Logging into same account. I only have 1
  3. Option 3 sounds good.
  4. I think option 4 is better.
  5. No. 2 pls, 20% for 7 days!
  6. No. 2 will be a best option.
  7. I'm all game for options 2 or 3. They both sound good.
  8. As the GMT war times suck, so does this idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I have different idea of edge bonus
    - there should be clan level according prestige with % bonus ( top 10 prestige 50%, top 20 prestige 40 % etc)
    - ppl who join this winning prestige clan get bonus
    - these ppl must have edge spell (they get it from won war)
    - there could be edge spell levels too, which will effect duration of bonus on ppl (L1 - 48h, L2 - 120 h, L 3 - 168 h, L4 - 240 h, etc)
    - so ppl who haven't edge spell, which join prestige clan get nothing
    - only ppl with spell in prestige clan get bonus

    .... what you think?
    = this will eliminate new clans or moving around and will build more clans loyalty for wars as will be connected with prestige
  10. Support what?

    1 - 33% lasts 48h
    2 - 20% lasts 7d
    3 - keep it as it is
    or 4 - mith eb to losers
  11. I don't know why you have to change EE if you want to give the new EB to war losers. Leave EE as is with 5 levels and current awards! It is a great growth aid and war incentive. If you want to give the loser the new EB to offset their $'s in crystals that would also be nice.
  12. The only acceptable option for me is #3,alternatively i support Rude's suggestions.
  13. How do I vote on iPhone?
    Want to vote 4 option 2 will give up more for active people. Support this idea ill war more now thought loosing edge cause my clan war less is unfair keep up the good work devs
  14. Kaw_Admin

    Your stated initial reason for changing EE reward is because you fear the KAW economy is becoming over inflated. Surely the main reason for this is in the root programming that allows a small cheap grow account like guild hansels to earn so much plunder in epic battles, a 50% bonus to them accounts makes them a gold mine. Many people now have them as alts and the Estoc wars has only increased the trend of guild hansel accounts.

    Attack builds spend billions on pots every week to take part in these wars , you have to have noticed the increase in spy attack pots being brought as all builds increase pot use to combat the fact many builds have now built towers.
    I do enjoy the EE gold at 50% and the incremental levels to get to 50% , and I also understand you want to reward losers so they keep taking part, which is a great idea.

    Allowing losing clans to do the special epic is good, but then internal arguments will take place, as to when to do the epic, can't expect clans to do it straight after war as some players may be staying up late to war, and want to go to sleep. So I foresee a few things that need to be ironed out to do this idea.

    This has already been mentioned, but allowing players to move about without losing levels is against everything you were trying to achieve with Estoc Wars, clan loyalties should be encouraged at every opportunity.

    Is there no way to reward losing teams on their amount of successful actions at the end of war ? Maybe in war tax ?
  15. Attack builds spend billions in pots? Are you talking 1s, 10s, or 100s? In the last week I've spent at least 150b in pots.
  16. [Color]Try this, ppl like the system now but make it different, do 10 levels, still range from 25-50% but with smaller difference. Heres the catch, it will run for 1 week, but u get 2 levels for a win, 1 for a loss, n 1 for COMPLETING the vanished paladin eb. getting no match but not completing the eb would jut renew the level u have for 7 days, similar to gaining or losing a level renews the spell. Also i think u should drop the loss of a level for leaving a clan.