Nice... As long as the stats don't become greater than the summer war ones (or future ones) I don't mind new equipment like this.
Your clan does not meet the minimum size requirement (30) for Week 1 Round 2. The signup has been withdrawn. :lol: :lol:
The public asked for this months ago, and you answered. Ty. So dev's. Does this mean there will be two other equipment sets with matching stats to the other two play styles? ie balanced/defensive.
I think one final mith sale is appropriate since there was no advance warning for it's stoppage. Some players need the mith for upcoming wars. Players couldn't suddenly stockpile this mith since there is a small daily max. This gesture would give the smaller players an opportunity to get involved in these new estoc wars. Let's give everybody a starting chance.
I actually never thought of that before, but say a player has no Mith at all and join a war, they'll get no hits through on anyone with Mith spells active, meaning they'll get hardly any Mith payout. It's going to be a long hard road for them.
To T_I_A, I have to disagree. As you've pointed out, many hlbc have SPENT gold to stockpile mith. Newer, smaller, younger players won't have that same opportunity. And, there was a TON of b*tching and complain, by hlbcs, when T4 went 1/2 price. Really doesn't matter to me. I've already said that I'll drop the game fairly soon because I think it's silly that ATA gets to decide when we can war and thus decide when we can earn mith and, therefore, equipment. I choose when and if I play this game. The game shouldn't decide when and if I can earn rewards. That's just backwards. Back to the mith issue though, I just think it's fair to set the record straight.
Diabolical, every system war can drop mithril, not just the Estoc ones. You can war whenever you.want and get mith whenever you want. The devs dont control when you can and cant war.
correct me if im wrong devs but: from what i understand about the estoc wars, is that the estoc wars are like ebs, they can randomly drop this rare equipment
You have to buy them at the alchemist with mithril. You also enchant the paladin equipment with mith.
@Jesus Remember that regular system wars have a horrible Mith payout, spend 24hrs and end up with 10 Mith. These new Equip will more than likely cost hundreds of Mith, it'll take weeks of non stop system wars to stock up. Most system wars you don't even get half of what you used during the war.
Ive seen a normal system war (Think it was Osiris, but Im not sure) where people got around 100 mith.
Does the mith have to come from estoc wars? As it says 'exclusive to estoc war trials' and 'further encourage participation in our weekly wars' so does it have to be an estoc/one of the weekly wars??
lol...ZAFT Corp and ZAFT Destiny were matched against each other, wouldn't you think ATA would review the match ups before setting them. Both clans are sitting at 0 plunder.