Ok my final thought on this. This armour is supposed to be an incentive to war and pvp. Yet what bugs me is that any en player with mith can buy it. We were forced to eb to chase equipment. Unfair but needed. As such the solution could be simple. To preserve this as an incentive and reward for warring. Players should only be allowed to purchase this equipment whilst they have the estocs edge spell active. No war no war equipment. Simple as that.
Enough about if you saved up mith or not. KaW is an economy based strategy game and everyone has many choices of where to invest their gold -land, buildings, pots, allies, inferno, bronze bars and yes..MITH. When Mith came out it was clearly announced that there was a long term plan and that you should buy when you could. If you didn't "get it" then, the rising prices and sporadic sales should have been clear market indicators. If you don't have any mith saved its your own fault. You should have saved for the long-term vs a short term gain. The smart investor would have bought low when it was cheap. Those that understood the market and had some patience completely deserve to benefit from their investment.
It's not moaning about who saves what. It's about the fact this is a war not eb reward incentive as states by devs Kaw_admin Those players who participate in estocs trials will have exclusive access to this equipment. Yet again though its poorly implemented and a war incentive and reward goes to eb heroes. Banked mith or not. If you don't war why should you get a war reward. You certainly don't get summer war equipment by buying it. Why should you get this against devs principles of promoting war. It's not exclusive obviously
The only real use/benefit for the equipment is for those that war. It doesn't help you in an EB so EB noobs simply won't care about it at all. Sure those of us that war and were smart enough to make a strategic long term investment (we could certainly spent that gold on upgrades and allies to help in war) deserve to be rewarded for taking a longer term perspective to the game.
And then it wouldn't be an issue for you to buy it with the estoc edge on then and get it. As I propose. It keeps it in wars. And as devs intended. To those who war and get it. Great. Well done. The amount of Evers that post they will get that is an issue that should be looked at by KAW_ADMIN as it defeats their promise of war exclusive rewards.
@TDK. You are putting your own twist on KaW_Admins words. In the OP it states that the new equipment will be MITHRAL EXCLUSIVE. Not PVP EXCLUSIVE. PvP exclusive is your own twist on words. So you have to go out and earn your mith without sells. You had every opportunity to stock up everytime it went in sell. Your fault if you don't have a good stash to spend on items when they come out lol. I'll send you a pm and tell u how good they are if they don't cost more than 300-400 a piece lol
@ black hand of satan and kaw admin No I'm not I quoted line 8 of their statement page 1. saying players that participate in estocs trials would have exclusive access to this equipment. That's not a twist. It's exactly what kaw admin says. No twist a direct quote. But as I said everyone wants armour, just don't want to actually do any work to get it. This is a war incentive as such only those that war should get it. It really is that simple. If that's not the devs idea they should not of said that its estocs wars exclusive. And to those that have the mith then will it kill them to do one war they win before buying it. Ok that may be too hard for some so tough. Spoils of war go to war winners. Those that eb got equipment through hard work why should this be a free ride for anyone and destroy the incentive to war that its supposed to encourage. I am Certainly up for these and many wars to come, shame others want a free ride.
Oh and blackhand. When did I ever say I didn't stock up???? My concerns are for the whole of kaw community not just my own. and maintaining some level of balance in a war game that makes the game accessible to every player old or new. And ensuring this game continues to grow and succeed. A war system without rewards won't succeed. Same as the last system wars. after how much I and other players campaigned for these changes I want them to have every chance to succeed. That means incentives to do them. Buying equipment only when you have estocs spell on is a darn good incentive to war.
Hi all, let me start by saying I do like the introduction of Red Paladin items, but they should be exclusively available for those participating in ET. I cannot live with the thought eb oriented people who saved up massive amounts of Mythril, have access to war items. As many suggested before me, a new currency "Red Mythril" would come in very handy, therefore the following suggestions: Red myth can only be won in Estoc Trials and is the only currency the new war items can be bought with. That way everybody has an equal start Traditional myth can be used the way it has been used so far, that enables ET participants to convert old myth into Red myth Many warriors earned their myth the honest war way, so they should be given the opportunity to convert faster. My idea would be that the number of new myth rewarded for a won ET, should give them the opportunity to convert an a say 4:1 ratio. Suppose you won 50 Red Mythril, then you should be able to concert an additional 200 traditional Mythril into Red Mythril Think that does justice to everybody, keep up the good work devs
Doesn't need to be that compicated. Just make it so that you have to have estocs edge on to be ablr to buy it. and only warriors can get equipment. Devs releasing it slowly so you'll need to keep estocs edge active. No new mith system needed. it will just work out at two at a time. As slowly as devs release the equipment.
@dark knight - what about those people that always seem to be on the losing side of the war but have loads of mith? According to your plan, they wouldn't be able to buy the new items. That logic doesn't seem quite right. All those that participate are warriors, not just those that win.
If they are always on the losing side time to change clans. They will run out of mith soon and be unable to war so merge or join a successful war clan. The consensus of opinion is to the victors go the spoils. But as far as equipment. It should go to winners first. Asw winners got the equipment. Good for them. It's extra incentive to win and war. Isn't that what we want?? Certainly should give us more reason to war especially spies as we have so little reward otherwise from ee. Drops are a joke and pay sux so why not something where I get a bonus for actually doing a war as well as every other player that wins wars.
@darkknight. It still says MITHRAL exclusive. It goes on to add that it will be available exclusively to members who do the new ET to earn three mith. Obviously a typo, and you should fall back to statement 1. Unless you know something I don't, and they are removing mith from regular system wars. Because you could earn mith from them. Would that not completely screw your whole theory up? So what. Some people listened and stocked up on mith. People that can't just buy it should quit complaining and do something about it. Mithral war is basically the same as buying your mith. Go do mith wars and quit your damn crying. Boo hoo. Some people saved up and some didn't. Bet the ones who didn't are feeling extra stupid now that mith items are finally coming out after such advance notice. Your argument isn't even an argument. It's just plain crying like a ***** at this point
@ blackhand. Who the hell is crying. A lot of players are annoyed a pvp award goes to eb heroes. And if you can't find and read the estoc wars exclusive sentence then it's you who looks foolish. You just can't accept that it's your argument that's proven worthless. Your clearly advocating ebs and their gold and your reluctance to war. But fine your scared of accepting a incentive for more players to war in this game may detract from a perceived bonus YOU selfishly want for yourself rather than promoting something that benefits the whole of kaw. Returning this to kingdoms at war is far more important than how much mith you have and what you want to buy with it. If devs did it are you really too scared to go to war to get your estocs edge and then buy your equipment. Is that really too much to expect from any player??