I understand to a point your rationale to stop mithril sales. yes some players used their gold to buy miths others used their gold to build. those that spent all their gold on miths are gloating about it. that doesn't help even the field. I think it would be equitable to let players buy mithrils 4 hrs prior to war and they decide how many they want to buy. also i suggest that only the "special" miths earned during war can be used for buying new items.
Sure, you do not care, as you clearly stated you are an "EB warrior". With exception of Summer Tournament, every item has been dropped from EB. Where does that leave real war players? So, when for the first time war equipment is introduced, you cry SUCKS DEVS! I hope you saved enough def pots as I have a feeling you will need them soon. Some people would love to introduce you to other part of the game - war part. It may be painful at first, but you may learn to like it. Ask BKILLED how he liked his introduction to warring. I believe he has had the misfortune to make similar comments in the past. One advice - please do not make tread about your displeasure with new equipment. Some war experiences may be comming too fast to handle.
Sure, u make a good point... eq should be able to earn through wars.. but like i said, its the mith sales im gonna miss. And so what if ppl farm me? Its just a game. Im just playing cause i like the people i met since i started playing it.
Argarth then why would you post that ... Don't back out now because a big bad farmer threatened to end your eb bashing days.... Lol at the FarmVille comment btw I love it. I will refer back to my go download kingdoms the mindlessly tap the repeat button comment. Quit being scared Argarth you said it don't back down. And stop crying because war finally came back to a war game. Devs I may not agree with everything you do but keep pushing kingdoms at war back to war GJ keep it up!
Lol im not backing down.. i really dont care about the new eq.. and im gonna keep bashing eb's even if every player decided to farm me like i said, its just a game. Wont have any effect on my life
Chaos took the words out of my mouth. I always hate saying it, because I feel it's such a over used phrase. They're still not getting the point, so I guess I'll say it again. It's a war game, when will these EB queens acknowledge that? It's not all about PvE, that's just to keep us busy in between wars. Quit crying, and learn to war. If you're not willing to, shut up and get out of the way.
OMG!!! NO MORE MITH SALES??? Looks like I'm gonna actually gonna have to WAR!! :lol: Do you really care that much about mithril not being sold that you WON'T war for it? Earn your mithril, don't buy your way through this game
Doing just EB's and not loving war, is like going to the gym everyday and not dating women! War is why we do EB's. EB warriors are gym rats who just stare at themselves in the mirror and are too afraid to go get the girl. I can't see how this game is fun for those who only like doing EB's. what's the point in growing your kingdom if u don't get a chance to use it against others? Have some fun and give the wars a shot? Win or lose they are fun.
Waiting...almost a week since this thread went live and still nada. Starting to feel like achivement bonuses. Celebrate a release in a news thread and release it months after...
I just wish the devs would give us some update about date it is coming out or prices or something this is very interesting :!: equip i can get not doing ebs :shock: