That's a bunch of B. S. devs! Even if they lost some players, a leader board clan will contain players who are so powerful that they only other leader board players can it. We couldn't get successful hits on 1/3 of their players half the time. So we were wasting our troops and spies and gaining little. While they could dominate us w shear strength ( personal stats), therefore gaining more plunder per action. Plus every time u fail an action it hurts u in troop numbers. It's your game, u know its more dynamic than that
To reinforce my point. Make a simulation. Two clans; 1 consisting of the 20 players w X stats. The other clan has 100 players w X/5 stats. Sum of both clans is 20X in strength. But what happens when they war? Run the simulation multiple times. I have a feeling players from clan X will beat the snot out of player from clan X/5, and get plunder and X/5 won't.
I did not get a reward, but heard it applies only to own plunder, not to plunder from allies. If it's true, i think it's not fair for hansels. My plunder from attack buld is only 100k in Haunting. 40% reward will give me only 40k more in first hit. Please rethink this reward. Hansels are usually more active in war and have to self KO more frequently, loosing more plunder. Which still does not reduce their value in war. Reward can be less, but have to be applied to total plunder.
I would agree that the match ups were off. We got smoked. I think that there should be some compensation on both ends if you want this to work. Would you fight someone if you knew you were going to get a beat down and no compensation? Would you give it a go if you knew that you would get a beat down, but be compensated no matter what? Thanks for continued development, I had fun either way, but wouldn't waste my time in a second round.if I have to fight Mike Tyson for free, and pay for my ear to be reconstructed??? Not a good deal...
New war system is very gd just hope that when it is fully released to level up Estocs you have to war against a different clan than you beat to gain first level or it will be pointless will be like mith wars in house bonus gaining
You should allow players to keep their lvl 1 in the clan they won it in - even if they leave and return. I lost mine after winning the first war but being unable to do 2nd or 3rd.
Sense having the Estoc spell our item drops in clan have all but disappeared. And now even max xstaling in EB I got only old pots drop. No hammer no bars. And sometime might get 1 inferno. Today we did TGL for 1st time in like a week and not 1 item drop. Something is deffo wrong having this crap spell. Every clan I have ever been in that hasn't done TGL in awhile, when they did it dropped mad amounts of items and stuff. This time not 1 item dropped. This is Crap spell it lessons ur chance not improve them
The match up process is bullcrap you matched us with some1 who stood no chance then turned around and matched us with some1 where we stood no chance. And the estoc edge is crap now that I have lost it I ran some test same build as I had with the edge and I still get the same amount of plunder it didn't give me any bonuses.
The roster should also become locked as soon as the match up is made so more people can't join In after you see who your up against. This leads to the issue of unfair match up also, I could take all of my big hitting people out let the strength of clan drop then after match up put them all back in the clan and it would be an unfair advantage cause we then way over power the opponent
I also witnessed that player was dtw for atk and lost 0 spies while attempting to scout steal and assassinate them they would not go ko. That resulted in alot of troop burning trying to make a person ko that should have been ko already. And I agree the reward systems sucks I never received the amount of mithril Back that I put in and was highly ranked in my clan. The war winners should receive the war tax from both clan submitted thru the win clan. Wtf is the point of war tax when no1 receives it. You have a good idea but have to make it function properly and make it worth it. Rewards for the winning clan should b as follow: mith and war tax for sure to each member. And a random lucky drop of inferno/aqua, pots, and Mayb a rare drop of a xstal or 2. Have to implement something to make people want to do it cause as of now there is no point I had the lvl 2 estoc edge and got nothing more from plunder or drops of pots ect from it then I do now without it.
My example most in my clan have lvl2 Estoc, some lvl 1. Today doing TGL for 1st time in a week. Littlescamp trying to get bow has lvl 1 Estoc, she miths all the way up, uses max xtals, uses full pots. She ends up finishing 1st with over 800 actions. And got nothing. Not 1 item was dropped to people that didnt have the items it drops. And for some reason twice I have only gotten 1 inferno even finishing in top 5 of the EB's otherwise nothing but old pots.
Algorithm for matching def needs to b tweaked. Idc what the justification is for matching a 200 clan v a 20 clan, the player strength in a 20 clan dwarf a 200 clan making them unhittable therefore not getting any plunder which is how u win a war. I would also like to suggest that the edge not only increase plunder and item drops, but also give an increased chance of success at the Mage enchanting equips.
Firstly, Love the new war system - it's fantastic and a lot of fun however, the clan match up's were an issue. A 200th ranked clan v's a 20th ranked clan is not an even match, even with your reasoning majority of us could not even hit their top 10 because of how large they were. This definitely cost us precious plunder and potentially the war because even when they were coming out of KO, we xstalled we still could barely touch them.
Devs liking the new war system Needs adjusting in few areas My thoughts are needs to be better pay out for winner, either split war tax or hand out bronze bars, reason- stocking pots back up or drop the price of the new pots, if not war not may be worth doing
A warning when trying to leave clan while u hold estocs edge would be good, I lost mine cause I did not know
Hi guys - Any idea why my edge has dropped two levels in past few hours ? I haven't left the clan. Thanks
hey devs looking at my estoc edge for some reason it hasnt been 2 weeks and it dropped to level 2 i was wondering if there a glitch or bug?