Estoc sucks this week

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Perseverance_Reborn, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Keep trolling little man an keep talkin ****, I'd love for us to have a schooling session
  2. Being outnumbered by 30 is a hell of a lot different than being outnumbered by 10. Just saying, it's pretty hard to counter that especially if everyone is active. 1 Res would have had to KO almost 2 Apoc, which we all know just coming out of a KO is rather difficult to do.
  3. I love trolls. They are great targets..lets play.
  4. I'm trolling . Oh by the way Lava10 you are pinned. From now on if I see you in a thread I read, YOU WILL BE PINNED.  Thanks Have a GREAT night
  5. Oh an btw thanks for the wall link Stryke. I gave u fair warning, now enjoy
  6. :lol: this turned out well
  7. Guys, shut up. Your all ungrateful little whining babies who can't seem to grasp the fact that whole you can stuff your face with food in front of the tv pressing a button, the devs are working their ******* butts off for you.
    And all you can do is call them losers, tell them to "get their act together. Shut the **** up all of you, until you guys can do a better job, you sound exactly like the players you call noobs because they ask you too stop clan farming them.

  8. So my clan wins we get our mith then 20min later we have all our mith taken from us WTH is going onon
  9. Looks like we have a Dev ass kisser, welcome! Lol
  10. No. I'm just not a selfish brat like you.
  11. Lmao is that a fact?
  12. Yeah res...wonder if he spits or sw#$*$&!What don't u understand about its there job?If i buried a body(your loved one in the wrong place)(I run a burial ground)would u say oh well he buries lots of people and give him break he is working hard..NO!! I get paid to do a job...I DO IT!
  13. Obviously. "Devs need to get their act together. While I'm eating chips and watching tv". Pathetic man. Share the load and THEN you can say that.
  14. Oh wow farming me now? You went that low? I bet you feel really tough. Flex those virtual soldiers man, 
  15. I kind of understood your message after I reread it 6 times. But the end is kind of fuzzy, like the meaning of it. Could someone or the person who posted tell me.
  16. Yeah, I'd be pretty upset too. Granted there's nothing anyone can do at the moment, but like its been said, rather than working on a new splash screen which doesn't do a damn bit of good for improving actual gameplay, they should have worked on a better way to matchup clans. Not sure what their system is, but apparently it's not working very well, as there have been numerous complaints regarding this issue.
  17. Lol, shadow thinks he's better than people on this thread. Um shadow you play to. In fact you look pretty dumb with that mouth of yours. Go read a book , maybe Websters or something. Learn new words Advance your mind .
  18. Let's burn away.