Estoc sucks this week

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Perseverance_Reborn, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. I agree. Changing screens and introducing new trinkets is te last thing the devs need to do.
  2. fix lagz and matchups, bring new items later. 46 vs 75 :lol: thats just funny and sad at the same time
  3. Bad match ups are so annoying. It almost sucks when you're winning in a badly matched war. I've noticed second round is usually much better. Maybe next one will be better. But seriously, I hate ppl making excuses for devs. Like the ppl posting devs r trying, they're busy, get a life idiots. It's the devs job to make it work. That's what they get paid for. How hard is it to make reasonable match ups.
  4. Don't know if anyone else has this problem but when I go to load a profile of an opponent to see how to hit back KAW crashes
  5. Caliente just had that issue, delete and reinstall kaw, was the only way I could fix it
  6. We had 41 vs 81 an we won? What's ur point?
    And the Mithril payout is just bull crap! 1 mith off me scout bombing and making most Hansels weak for my team to Ko it's ridiculous
  7. Ya ZombieFreak u were fighting noobs to, take that into acc
  8. The lag is killing me I've tried everything to try to fix it nothing I'm ko'd before I even get any notification
  9. Clan I'm in win war outnumbered like 50-40... It's about teamwork, understanding mechanics and not spreading yourself thin. Now your match was a little lopsided but don't blame the devs for bringing changes to the war system that every was whining for. Maybe next time don't go into a war with just under 50 active members and you may have a better chance. Better yet, formulate a war strategy for fighting outnumbered. There's always a way to win any situation. But keep crying that it's the devs fault every time something doesn't go ur way. It's typical of KaW today I expect it
  10. Stryke 50-40 isn't outnumbered ..congrats on your win but clearly you have no idea what your talking about
  11. Lol didn't u just say u went to war w 40 or 50 people? Practice what u preach! And w 2 clans that know how to war and one clans is outnumbered like that, no there is no way to win ur wrong. And if u don't think the Devs ****** up just look around Kaw at the numerous others w the very same problem.
  12. Well we won outnumbered. We had a strategy for being outnumbered ur just mad u got stomped and now u t attempting to project your inferiority complex on anything that in within range
  13. Oh and u are expecting a clan that enters a war to not know how to war now? Hmmm your logic is mind blowing.
  14. Stryke you talk a lot of smack little guy, your clan had fifty in your war and you fought a clan with 30 ppl .. C'mon now think think ... Your too cute all your smack talk though 
  15. U noob u have no idea what ur talking about bc ur not up here playin w the big boys! U were barely outnumbered at all so ur war was completely irrelevant to our situation so stop pretending it is.
  16. Well some ones gotta speak the truth to u guys. Otherwise how will you learn? You'll just sit around blaming your surroundings instead of looking at yourself. Tsk tsk I expected more from a war clan such as yourselves. But with battle stats like yours if say EBs are more ur forte
  17. U guys get so angry over a game stop crying  its like the earth's survival depends on u beating Apoc, which was never happening even if u had 100 members.
  18. Strkeoh my your mommy gave you some big boy pants today huh..please school me strykec'mon teach me the ways of warthen .. It will be my turn 
  19. And if u have a problem with me then hit me. I'm a merc. Don't start hitting ppl who have nothing to do with my words or actions. Lay off musa cas u and me can 1v1