Yes but at first we could not sign up, We have had to reduce our clan size from 78 to 60 and you must have between 40-60 actives to war. (Tragic)
So max 60 in clan but then 40 for war. That makes no sense. Why would we having 48 unveiled not be able to war. Unveiled should be all that matters. So the clan with exactly 60 and 60 unveiled will likely win their matchup.
Looks like u guys got your matchup then. I doubt manynwill kick loyal clan members with ee just to war. WHY WOULD YOU INTRODUCE VEIL TO THE GAME THEN MAKE IT USELESS WEEKS LATER.
Thanks for changing the rules on us devs. Spent all morning and last night trying to get 40 for a work day war then we find out its not 40 min to war but 40 in clan??? Upsetting. It's never been about clan size. It's been about war size. Now 10 clans find out that it's about clan size so either kick members which u made ee to combat or don't war. The whole point of ee was clan loyalty now to war we would have to be unloyal to veiled clannies.
This is a load of crap! Be a little more specific devs, next time you do a crap move like this.... So many people wasted a lot of time! On your game!
What a Joke n thanks Dev's for wasting a day... You done a wrongen n it effected alot of ppl - we take the time to play so you mugs should take the time to sort out problems!! Very disappointed i must say!!