Estoc matchups - could a room full of monkeys do better?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -BREEZY-, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. This is not only going to weaken the other clan but it is also biased against the new players. What ata is doing will have some bad match ups nothing can ever be perfect. No support from me on this one. 
  2. Today I got matched up in 32 against 56 people
  3. Maybe my suggestion wouldn't be fair, and there are better ways. I'm sure somebody out there can probably come up with something better. And if not, my idea is still a hell of a lot better than the current setup. Being outnumbered by 15 is an impossible matchup.

    Numbers need to be a larger factor in devs matchup selection process. If a clan is going to outnumber another by that many they should be matched up with a much stronger opponent to even things out.
  4. Free tip for all EE warrior.


    You got destroyed because a guild hansel can assass 75% of your player to pin.

    Numbers of players in clan mean nothing liao.

    Let's put Allie top 10 lb versus your whole clan and you still lose 

    Plus you guy xtal a random and had inactives in war. Work on your builds and your strategy 

    Good luck 
  5. To answer your Titke Question:

    Yes, Yes they could.
  6. My phone sucks...cant type
  7. You guys think good EE war clan is made by luck?? Look at we're screwed. This team win almost ever time and by a wide margin.

    Before you make thread maybe look at what your clan can do better liao. 
  8. Total agreement on Zeromus' idea. They had someone xtal right after ko at start, twice. Bad strategy that needs some work. Seems like you all could be a good war clan, you just need to work towards it.
  9. Im pretty sure most people in forums dont care. Dont do wars if you're gonna complain about them
  10. no support. No offense but you're a moron. ur just mad cus u lost. Being outnumbered doesnt mean that you have to lose if you war stratigically. and if ur mad against the game stop crying and just quit playing.
  11. Want to see a bad mismatch? Look at my clans latest war. Pretty unfair.
  12. Thing about war is. Work so hard. Don't mind a good war. Just crap match up.
  13. Want to see a great matchup and probably closest Estoc war yet? My clan second last war
  14. Solution? Hire more apes.

    One simply is not enough.
  15. ATA would like to apologize,and let you know that they have hired monkeys to fix the wars for next week
