Re: Estoc’s Edge FAQ One more. If let's say 64 peeps in your clan participated in Estoc's Edge beta. And now 15 peeps decide to return to their original clan, the following will occur: 1. The 15 peeps will lose Estoc's Bronze Edge 2. Since clan with Estoc's Bronze Edge is now below 50: - the clan as a whole will lose Estoc's Bronze Edge >>>> every single member in the clan will lose Estoc's Bronze Edge
Re: Estoc’s Edge FAQ Okay my clan has 50 peeps who have Estoc's Edge, what happens if others join: 1. They don't get Estoc's Edge, 2. They get lower bonuses, payouts n drops, 3. Bcos only Estoc's Edge Holders get the higher drop rate, plunder, n bonuses.
Re: Estoc’s Edge FAQ I am getting 2m LESS per hit. Drops have dwindled to almost nothing. Im starting to think this is Estoc's Curse....
Re: Estoc’s Edge FAQ @ Os: It seems that when you post in forums, your chance of drop goes down...happens to me :?
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ What happens if you don't leave a clan but are kicked.. Do you still lose the edge?
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ yes brown...though i doubt ppl would kick a "Estoc Victor" from the clan...
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ What is the difference between level 1 and level 2? Also does the mith pic change if you have level 2?
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ Level 2 is more powerfull than L1 (meaning more bonus- better plunder + luck) And i doubt that the banner colour is gonna change
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ Thanks for the FAQ. However, this piece of information is incorrect: "2. Since clan with Estoc's Bronze Edge is now below 50: the clan as a whole will lose Estoc's Bronze Edge (every single member in the clan will lose Estoc's Edge)" The number of clan members does not affect Estoc's Edge. If anyone feels like they are seeing this, please respond to the feedback thread.
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ @ chicken: no one knows (except devs)...we have to wait and see :cry:
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ I've heard that estocs edge applys only to normal plunder, not Allie plunder. Is that true?
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ If the clan kicks u then u will keep the edge...proven at hit squad...but if u join another clan and leave that clan it will drop...leaving a clan loses it but kicked from clan allowed it to stay
Re: **UPDATED** Estoc’s Edge FAQ U can check ur edge spell on idevice, by going to home page and click on ur gold. And even if ur kicked from a clan, u will lose ur edge. We kicked a friend and she lost it.