Espoinage's Big Guide to Plunder!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Usiwa, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. I clicked on this because you spelled Espionage wrong. Then I realized that it was how to spell your username.

    I just skimmed but nice guy.
  2. That 5,500 is a thumb rule. It's more for some builds, less for others.

    Assassinates and scouts make money in an eb but you don't see it til you get your bonus. Also eb item phases can greatly increase what you make.

    Each building has it's own plunder and allies bonus factor associated with it. It correlates to stats but is not a direct relationship with the building's stats.

    Other factors that affect plunder are your relative strength to the EB or Player and BFA. Oh yeah, towers can also severely drop your plunder while EE bonus will increase your plunder and gold made from a spy action by x% and allies bonus by x/2%.
  3. Nice thread :)
  4. STICKY!!!
  5. nice post but its a lil too much basics only for the smallest kawers here and they dont read forum that often but well written
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I targeted the new players, because as a noob I had a hard time finding this stuff for myself.
  7. As a noob i greatly apreciate the time and effort you put in to write this advice , thankyou
  8. One question:

    what stats to add up?
    for the example on max plunder.
  9. @Farsala it's your combined stats (CS)
  10. Sorry wasen't done typing accidentally pressed post... Anyway Meaning you add up your totall attack stats with your total spy stats to get your CS.
  11. very helpful