Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by pank, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. calm down shouting will only increase you anger :shock: if its wrong, why is it wrong, which eb do you think there should be in ?
  2. SR is a tier six eb. Not a seven or eight. Both iron gauntlets and pinioned boots are out of place
  3. SR is tier 6 - drops both iron gauntlets and pinioned boots , just needs a little adjusting 
  4. To be fair - who looks at tiers though? Most just look at item and eb lol
  5. I do. And OCD says it needs to be in the right place
  6. sorted now I hope :oops: any other help is appreciated Thanks :D
  7. What about Scrag the Bloodless EBs?
  8. Now all that is missing is TSG smoke signals and the summoner
  9. I could be mistaken but I do not. Believe tvp is could ted as a tier. So what you have labeled as tier 10 would be 9 and the bone dragon ebs would be tier 10. Apologies if I am mistaken. 
  10. Counted not could ted.  A d there's a period that shouldn't be in front of believe and believe shouldn't be capitalized. BRING MOBILE DEVICES AN EDIT OPTION PLEASE! 
  11. I wouldn't call tvp an eb. I'd call it a waste of time
  12. never done it so I can't comment :?
  13. If in a clan full of heavies for war tvp lasts all of ten minutes
  14. Is the drop of mith worth it
  15. No mudd. You rarely get as many as you spent back
  16. Call me Mo Rikki and thx for the info
  17. You finally added the greaves
  18. The only eb not covered I believe are SS but we don't know what if any thing is dropped from that eb !
  19. Hello again
  20. MOMudd -
    The Relics are.
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