Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Support
    I just spent my inferno and aqua failing to enchant the ice moth equip
    Still at low lvl sucks 
  2. Support, equipment fails are my most hated aspect of this game.
  3. Great post Leg. Ty buddy.

    @Plundermax - bro I don't agree and I'll tell you why. If final few levels where in the region of or even more than 50 inferno and 50 aqua not everyone would be able to enchant.
    In fact only those who spend stacks or are hardcore players (and quite lucky on enchantment drops) would be able to max all their equip (I would have thought the Devs would like that) and at the rate of new equip drops not everyone of those would want to spend so much enchanting everything. In fact I think we would see more varied equipment across the board as everyone chose carefully what to spend their stuff on.

    Please lets not forget currently we ARE ALL COMPLETELY 100% flying blind on success rates for enchantments. Devs won't ever release this info, and I don't mind that, they just say "it's very hard" to get passed certain lvls. But with the new equip 7 or 10 straight fails to get from lvl 1-2 is just painful to hear about and pretty poor.

    I'm not saying make it easy to enchant stuff I'm happy to hear opinion on how high the aqua and inferno nos would need to be at the higher levels to keep it fair. But this constant failing inevitably means peeps spend time, huge levels of effort over a long period of time not to mention cash (only God know how the hell Kuzmich got to over 100k moths -  can u imagine the time he spent and cash  and seriously well done) to end up with equipment they struggle to enchant and are by in large unhappy with

    They fixed it with Mith for that equipment no one complained and all I think are happy with that so why not do it again?
  4. Support 
  5. 100% support
    higher price to enchant no problem but when we meet the requierment its guaranteed 100% success.
    or maybe you could give us choice devs, used small inferno and aqua but will depend the luck or used much more inferno and aqua but 100% guaranteed success, so we can choose will try our luck or paying more but 100% success.
  6. 100% support. Plz fix bugs all fails on level one moth sword. Tried old equip to switch it up. And got reset. Ty for taking back the aqua and inferno.
  7. I can handle the "fails"... But the level drop fails just make me mad ... Burnt 90 inferno and 60 aqua trying to upgrade my shield (not the moth one), it started at level 8, then ended up at level 2!!!!! Had a streak of 6 fails in a row! I ended up raging out and buying inferno after I used mine up just to inch it up to lv 3!

    I don't support the 100% success, but resetting equipment is pitiful... Definitely the WORST aspect in KAW.

    -sorry to be harsh 
  8. Support!
  9. SUPPORT! and then some. These mini heart attacks gotta stop with these equipment resettings ...

  10. I have literally stopped enchanting certain equips for months due to fails/resets. My greaves(from TBO) are perm lvl 6. I will never try again, I'll simply wait until other equip passes their stats. 7 resets on them, c'mon man!! I also know people that have just completely stopped enchanting altogether due to fails/resets that are carrying 200 aqua/inf.

    Bottom line is that it's such an easy fix, just as Adonis has stated. Make it just like war equip. I'd rather have to use 30 aqua and 35 inferno to guarantee my greaves enchant than waste at least that much watching them fail or worse yet, reset!

    Thanks Icey!

    My name is -DEX- and I Support this message!
  11. Support !
  12. [​IMG]

    "il just add some inferno to upgrade this new equip……………"
  13. @samurai
    Love the gif. Almost put me to tears

    Full support! After blowing through everything I had my sword is back where I started. Lvl 5
  14. Absolute support as a player who has spent a few grand in this game yea it needs to be better!!!
  15. Support. Make it like the mith equipment. I'd actually start trying to enchant again if I thought there was any reasonable chance of it working!
  16. Support 110%