Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    FoD, SS and SR drop aqua as far as I know
  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Just updated. still need prices for necklace if anyone know them ty

    ill edit out CoD
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Does enchanting wear off like spells do after a certain amount of time passes? Or is the equip. permanently enchanted?
  4. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    It's permanent. Should probably add that.
  5. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Done. Bump need info
  6. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  7. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    found ur post a little late. i would have never enchant it if i know its 4ver. i thoughts its like mithrils only last a few hrs 
  8. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    @ survive i dont understand ur post. Why would this upset you? I would think its a good thing.
  9. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Yes why wouldn't you want it to be perm?
  10. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Yea I find that strange too, why on earth wouldn't you want it to be permeant?
    God I love the final stats on L7 ring. Like having 2 hlbc Spies as allies.

    This should be stickied, new players will always need this info, people were always asking in SR Sun powered clan since this came out.
  11. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thank you panic, but I'm still missing some info. Once it's all done I hope it will be :)
  12. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Great job. not easy.
  13. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty will update last things soon
  14. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    My guide is officially finished! thank you to those who helped me :D
  15. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Nice guide kaw  looks even better then before (I know it's supposed too)
  16. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Wait... Android can buy inferno?!?!?!
  17. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Looks great with all the new pics and updated enchantment info.
  18. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty guys. No, it is just there for when there might be a sale. Like the mithril sale.
  19. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Now u can purchase Inferno for upgrading your equipment at Mage ( marketplace). 7.5bil per Inferno and 3 max per day.
  20. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ok ty for the info.