Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thanks other than that I'm done
  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Is enchantment permanent?
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Yes, but if you fail your equipment can drop to base stats.
  4. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Nice thread - any updates on inferno/aqua prices for talisman?
  5. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Great job man. Very informational. Will help out many people in the KaWmunity that read the forums.

    Support for sticky.
  6. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    @super I still need to gather that info.
  7. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    thanks good post :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty guys for your support
  9. Re: Enchanting Equipment


  10. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Anything man :)
  11. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I need prices for necklace, prices and stats for ring level 6 and 7.
  12. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Nice work on this thread, it was needed. People are always asking in CC about info about Enchantments.

    Have to say this Enchanting is a bit of a joke, take the Ring for instance, it costs 6 Inferno and 3 Aqua too get to L6.
    That's 2 Inferno and 1 Aqua drop, as they seem to drop in threes, that amount will take some time to acquire and if you're very lucky you'll get to L7, won't be too bad if you fail and item stays the same, but if it returns to base stats from L6 that's god knows how many hours work (luck) down the drain.
  13. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Yes exactly, the Devs put a lot of risk and reward in enchanting.

    Ty for comments
  14. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    This enchanting is a joke drop is so common I have seen people already with a lvl 7 ring (5 mil stats on each btw) that there is no challenge my alt has gotten 4 enchant drops in the short time it's been out .. There is no challenge
  15. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ring stats level 6 is spy attack + 4 mil and spy def + 4 mil
    Ring stats level 7 is spy attack + 6.5 mil and spy def + 6.5 mil

    and you can complete your guide ^^
  16. Thank you kaw

    Thanks for the info its very helpful :mrgreen: :lol: :) :D ;)
  17. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty guys I will update soon
  18. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Does anyone know which EB drops aqua the most? I got at least 18 inferno so far from cod, but no aqua. Aqua seems to be a very rare drop.
  19. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I would do FoD. So CoD does drop?
  20. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Oh sorry, fod of course. I did't do any cod. 