Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. I'm sorry for asking so many questions
  2. It's fine penguin, I'm here to help. What do you mean by moving heads? Do you mean this > :lol:
  3. Yes sorry for late reply
  4. Updated with all the summer war items

    That is a bbcode, to make the laughing face type :lol*: but remove the asterisk. There are a lot of faces, you can find them on Dillybar's bbcode thread that is stickied in Off Topic.
  5. Thanks for creating such a useful guide!
  6. You're welcome :)
  7. Yeah thx
  8. Thank you wool. If anyone knows of someone with a level 10 ring, let me know and I'll update it
  9. I just went through entire LR War History looking at their ring levels and none had 10, Moose is highest on 9
  10. None had level 8 and a couple of 7. So no Pic for 10
  11. Ok thanks, was the same the last time I checked
  12. i think im lost lol i cant figure out how to use my aqua ive used my inferno just fine and it shows i have aqua in top left but when i click on an item it only shows a picture of inferno not aqua like in your pict... android, please let me know...
  13. Thx very helpful
  14. Re: Tonights WC Trivia winner is......

    It's wonderful stuff! You use it to make items more powerful!

    Click here to learn more
  15. Ignore that wrong thread
  16. @bigfish, none of your items need aqua yet. They only need inferno at lower levels, but will require aqua at higher levels. (Ring 4-7, gloves 4, bow 4-7, and necklace 4)
  17. Thanks Love,
    You rock
  18. Thanks Love,
    You rock :)