Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Why hasn't this been stickied yet?

    Gonna email support requesting sticky.
  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    :lol: don't know. Thank you drgn
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Email out, and no problem bro
  4. ok, guide is up to date! bring on more EBs devs! :lol: :p
  5. Why isnt this sticky?!
  6. I wish I knew....
  7. Omg I was actually just looking for one of these literally a minute ago. Thanks! Definitely needs a sticky!
  8. :lol: thanks IBB
  9. Thank you very helpful
  10. Thanks that was real help.
  11. Congrats on the sticky!
  12. I'm pretty sure it doesn't drop in CotD....but I could be wrong.
  13. Finally it got the sticky it deserves.
  14. Thank you guys :)
  15. Finally a sticky
  16. I will take CoD off later. Have been hearing a lot of different answers about it, but I'll follow wulf's guide.