Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Bump, this deserves a sticky as longed it is kept up to date.
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Nice guide for!! 
  4. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Requesting sticky....
  5. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I've heard from some others that enchanting only once a day will keep your success rate very high... Does this sound legit?
  6. Re: Enchanting Equipment


    It's random
  7. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I have Level 10 Leather Pants.
  8. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thanks guys. I still need a bit of info
  9. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I can't believe my luck, 7 items in the last few days :D I'm so happy :D I have been max Xstaling on every EB, seems to help greatly.

    Also upgrading only once per item each day is working for me, 17 Enchantments (25 Inferno) without fail so far.
  10. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    This deserves a sticky
  11. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Bump. That's what I'm doing too panic. Out of inferno tho :(
  12. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Great guide!
  13. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thanks cheese :)
  14. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  15. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Just so you know for the aurate bracer last level you didn't include the price to enchant
  16. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    but this was very helpful
  17. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    :lol: that's because I don't know it. Help appreciated.

    Thanks for comments :)
  18. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    lol okay
  19. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Good guide:)
  20. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty Trojan. I just got last piece of info, will add it soon.