Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Might want to list what eb drop what items. Just a quick tip unless i missed it. I know there is already a thread by wulf. But that would make it convenient.
  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ok I will add that thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    You got it bud. Great thread
  4. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Very nice thanks for making this.
  5. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thank you
  6. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I was about to say someone else made a thread about this already but then I realized it was just a name change. Lol
  7. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    :lol: yep just this one
  8. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  9. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Nice tread! This deserves a sticky
  10. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty. I have the missing info, I'm going to update it later when I can get on pc.
  11. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    My guide is complete! Thanks to all who helped, and thanks for all the nice comments. :D

    If you have any more suggestions or fixes be free to say them.
  12. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Kaw game developer should fix this issue people buy inferno if it's fail wasting time
  13. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    What issue?
  14. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I got 3 expire aquas
  15. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    That's too bad. Sorry :(
  16. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Bunp for sticky
  17. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  18. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Wait.....another name change
  19. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    :lol: yep I changed again... ;)
  20. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Sticky this thread