Equipment Enchantment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Aqua drops is too rare and enchanting higher lvl seems takes forever...
  2. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    That's the point. The Devs wanted to make it a little bit harder to get the higher levels.
  3. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  4. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Sticky pls??
  5. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ty for support
  6. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Bump. Very useful
  7. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Bump. I need any info about the 2 new equipment enchantments! Any help appreciated
  8. Re: Enchanting Equipment

  9. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    just updated: still need some info
  10. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thank u Ryan, very good guide
  11. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Thanks chicken
  12. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Aqua and Inferno drop from Barren Orchard also.
  13. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Sticky plz
  14. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Ok I'll add that in next update
  15. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Sticky plz
  16. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    I wish it were that easy :lol:
  17. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Devs spelled successful wrong ._.
  18. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    :lol: you're right peeka, that's hilarious
  19. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Sticky this informative and well thought out
  20. Re: Enchanting Equipment

    Cant wait to up lvl castle...gagaga