Equipment and EE why do we have to choose?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Whiskey_Throttle, May 15, 2013.

  1. Support, bit late for me now , all my levels are gone.
  2. Your rancor points do not go down if you leave your clan. So, actually, the only thing that does go down is your EE level. By 1. Hardly end of the world stuff. Mildly annoying at worst.
    I leave my clan to see friends any way, I can always win to get my edge back.
  3. @ the person who says only one ee drops then attempted to troll. Im fine with one dropping everytime but it would be nice if lvl one doesnt drop. Mabey become shortened time left on ee lvl one but not drop to lvl zero because of leaving clan.

    @ the previous replier
    Wow your so amazing you just go to war and get ee like its no big deal. your post is completely irrelevant please stop trying to troll the forums. Thank you
  4. @nurion who says only one ee drops then attempted to troll. Im fine with one dropping everytime but it would be nice if lvl one doesnt drop. Mabey become shortened time left on ee lvl one but not drop to lvl zero because of leaving clan.

    Wow your so amazing you just go to war and get ee like its no big deal. your post is completely irrelevant please stop trying to troll the forums. Thank you
  5. I've re-read your thread in case of a misunderstanding, but I've come to the same conclusion I did before.
    How am I attempting to troll? The question was asked about why we lose everything for leaving our clan. I stated FACT that you do not lose Rancor only your EE level.
    Please explain how my post is irrelevant? Is it because I didn't just say "support"?
    The only thing lost when leaving your clan is a single EE level. Whilst I would like to not lose it when I leave my clan I'm not all that worried when I do.
    I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from trying to insult me for pointing out you were wrong in your original text and then posting my thoughts on the actual reality.
  6. "Players can either leave and lose EE of stay and lose EE"

    What a predicament those players are In
  7. Ryan I said rancor doesnt drop only ee please re read once more