Episode 8: How the Cursed_Soul stole plunder wars

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *GhengisKhan (02), Dec 14, 2010.

  1. GK is a ******* god
  2. Nice story haha
  3. Not bad CS, but we need to find a way to get you and GK working on a movie together. You're a decent writer, but the Stephen Hawking voice overs just don't do it for me.
  4. Awesome. Only if I could ruin pw's
  5. lordTDA
  6. Isn't CS a girl?
  7. Omfg this is awesome!!!! Loved every word!!!!
  8. Currently i'm working in a nike factory in the sub sahara while moonlighting as a cow herder when there isn't drought.
  9. <3 CS 4EVER
  10. Awesome Thread
  11. Nice story 
  12. Ahhhh.... Cursed_Soul. I was hoping you'd show up. All in good fun you know. Nothing personal. Nice movie. Let me know if you ever want to add any voice acting.
  13. Hard to do. I do alot of my work using low res. so that it's quick to upload and low impact on mobile devices. so sound doesn't transfer well.

    I have attempted to use real life voices but it doesn't sound good. I couldn't sync frames properly.

    Also i'm always on shift in the nike factory, it's Xmass and we are in full shoe wrapping swing. maybe when i have more time???
  14. Certainly, when you have the time we should collaborate.
    You've definitely got talent. That would be great. :)
  15. We could even work on "Frosty the asshat" or "Rudolph the red nosed noob" together. lol