More proof this whole thing was a money grab DEVS wanted more beer money for Canada day they took forever to get rewards out and rewards don't even work if it was an actual event you think they would have tested it and had a plan
@kaw_community i did not recieve my 10% bonus spell for RWB time trials. i did not participate in the actual eb but have been in RET clan even before event ended and have been here since then.
Wonderig why top 20 clans got the 20% from HTE when it specifically says 10% and only top 1 first who would get the 20%?? Just wondering
Lethal burn I can see as your ee is low that you don't quite understand that it DOES In fact affect ally bonus plunder, however devs get your act together and apply this bonus right and make the endless amounts of money you made off this worth it to the people that gave it to you. Ps after you fix your error restart all the timers ..thanks...
YAY!!! Being a hansels i guess sux for these new bonuses YAY!!! Glad iv spent my hard earned money on this game Woohoo
Agree with cor-x. A similar issue happened with the quetzal hunt but the devs raised stats on all banners, including top 100. Why in this case all top 20 clans get the exact same reward as the #1 clan?
Because thats what they chose. Stop crying over 10% more plunder. Most LB players don't need it either
Devs.. please increase the duration of spell from 1week to 2weeks. Seems only fair for the horrid wait right?
Devs- if u feel like being generous why not make it 20% for top 30? Or 40? Or 50? Least u could do is be transparent and fair after such a debacle
Shouldnt these spells work like EE spell. I have a 25% incress and yes im hansel. But if i have a lvl 2 ee i make 15-20m more a hit. Why im i not making anything more per hit with 25% rather than lv2 ee which is 20%?
Ok.. I got a Notice saying I got my 10% plunder.. But definitely no spell activated .. And no added plunder.. And YES I was in the eb that made the LB
That's not the point Terror!!! They specifically state top clan gets 20% and top 50 gets 10%!! U think we did all that work for nothing??u think getting 36 secs was easy!!!! If it was everyone would of gotten that time!!!!!
I have not once second guessed the developers in this thread. I understand delays happen and fully comprehend that it's stressful to manage complicated programming. It's all good! However, at the start of this thread days ago, it was stated and confirmed that the #1 clan was promised a reward which stands out far from the rest of the competition. We burned seal time after time to beat the clock - for our valiant efforts we the #1 winning clan ended up getting a reward equivalent to those which didn't invest the same effort. How is that fair?