Very sad day. Please deny that this game is run by Canadians!!!!! Recieved a lower reward and it doesnt even work. Still no reward for Escape tome either, but if it wont work, i guess it doesnt matter.
Lol so much complaints ! Please don't do anymore of these fairy things can't you do another summer wars compitition. Even though I got no where last time I enjoyed travelling around the different clans losing in style each week ️
I suggest that you dont make promises that you cant keep. It is far easier to be honest and open instead.
Still no clan reward or individual plunder reward for HTE.. And I was active during the one on top 50.. Are they still not out for everyone KC?
My 5% spell isnt incressing my plunder at all. Also didnt receive my 10% for hte. If u look at eb history i was in lotr and participated in there TT. Unsure why i didnt get the reward
Yes got my 5% for revenge trial but don't c increased in plunder....and the damn clock is ticking fast ..anyone else with same issue?
Let's see, I was making about 127.5m per full hit, now I'm making 129m per full hit with this bonus 10%. Are you sure someone didn't put the decimal point in the wrong spot because that looks suspiciously like +1% to me.
People just breath some please. They will take care of the issues soon enough.... It's a free to play game, so no need to have your panties in a bunch. Just sit back and wait. Are you not expecting this by now?
I got my spell over an hour ago, I was making just over 102 mil first hit on ts. Now I make just over 106 mil first hit. But I upgraded a volary to lvl 3 and raised my ee one lvl. Well worth the wait devs. Wow
So, is it true these spells have no effect with hansel builds. Now that sucks Reminds me. Still no spy banners except for the feather banner. Any word on future banners?
10% plunder bonus is only being applied to Attack and steals base plunder; NOT to ally plunder bonus. Is this intentional?