So thanks for awarding the plunder bonus spell and all... But my plunder is exactly the same as it was before. A for effort though
Hey guys, the spell effect will take place in a few minutes as the servers update to use the new information.
Come on devs what a total shambles you have made this out to be, how $$ did you make on seals and horns and crystals for this event and you cant get it right? We did our bit by funding the event now do yours!
@Kaw_community i wasnt active in Dragons Sanctuary RotWB eb but was in the clab till the end of the event. Shouldnt i get a reward?
hi Kaw, I don't post forums much but I jus wanted to say that I had a blast doin this event with my Dragons sanctuary aka: Warriors of virtue family!! It was fun aside from warring. We couldn't help but to treat it like a war though thx again!
@Kaw_community I was not active in Dragons Sanctuary's return of the war beast epic battle but WAS in the clan till the end of the event. Do i get a reward??