Learn my place. Hmm interesting comment. Not my fault they cheated is it. Or is it acceptable because its them? Regardless I'm done.
Hey subtle, I've unloaded my iPhone just as quickly as my PC buddy. So again while others may experience a slightly quicker connection speed allowing their PC to be faster than their other devices, seems most are about the same.
It's incredible how far jealousy will run in this community - I was in the 36 sec HTE and you know what's sad? We as a clan agreed we could of done better! It all depends on clan activity - EVERY single person counts. We constantly would look at WDGAF running HTE and they constantly had inactives while we booted ours - even LB no exception. What matters was participation not strength. Anyway, as I'm in no rush for this impermanent spell, which you all seem to be begging for, I hope the developers have an investigation only to make this go longer. Unbelievable.
Me just suprised that y'all are getting crazy over this event. :lol: :lol: :lol: While I didn't participate in this event and just had fun looking from the sidelines. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't believe how every one tried after how may people were apparently disgusted that the devs thought it up. Now that it was done by most clans I seriously doubt the devs will run the trials on non paid for ebs
It is extremely unprofessional and extremely poor customer service to #1 Make promises you can't keep. #2 Not communicate issues in a timely and clear manner. #3 Not test fully and have any promised rewards for events ready BEFORE release of said event. #4 Lack of any true understanding of how changes to game actually affect game play! If any other other service based company acted this way they would be out of business. ATA should be ashamed.
Wait, why dont you guys first make something and then trow it in game, not like "lets start something and work on it later". Just wanted to notice ~does they even read this ^^
The devs must have literally done something like this; Copy and Paste Rotwb and HtE. Give them a gold tint. Release them. Buy a new mansion. Get off vacation, realize they have no idea how to do anything. And make a shitload. While doing nothing.
I'm glad they were up bright and early today, since it's now after 2 pm their time and still nothing.
Here's a thought, why don't y'all figure out the rewards for the next event then release the actual event late......