No support...desperate greedy money grabbing devs....must need another buggati veron to park outside their mansion
Devs what's the difference in the rewards for the top 50 and the rewards for the top 10 ,they are the same
thank you ata your greed has destroyed this game and i have stopped spending any real money. I think i shall wave up every inde war and not spend a single xstal pot or.mith spell you have shown me the way by example GREED IS GOOD!!!!
watch the summer promo will start 2 days after this where of course rowb and hte drop more of whatever it is
Sorry devs, but what the ******* hell? Stop doing all this ******** marketing stunts. It's ridiculous. If this was say, a month or two after your last nob spending promo, then maybe. But the next ******* day and you're already going for another HTE/ROTWB promo?
if we wanna do a time trial event do it on an eb where stats doesnt matter... u shd do it on ambush instead so small clans actually stand a chance in events likr this... xtalling to complete the eb cost rl cash too isnt it?? i think thats a much better idea and fairer to us all
We should all vote to lock this thread isn't there some rule if enough people vote to lock a thread mod can do so
Lmao ya give my clan free seals and xtals and we'll show you how fast we can beat a pay play eb. Derp!! Make more effort op.