Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning + TSG)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Ikr96 xstals. Lbs will b dropping $100 a day just on xstals hince why devs doing. This is just stupid
  2. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    How about: dont use xtals, get in a decent clan, try do record reck/tsg. Woo.
  3. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    96 xtals limit????? This Game sux now like a hell
  4. Is there still only 6 xtals per eb?
  5. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Yay! Sounds like fun. We can't touch tsg, but we're going to give reck heck! Thanks :)
  6. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Devs is this 96 limit for only time trial ebs or all ebs? If for all ebs, you are gonna see mostly HTEs running with people throwing 96 xstals at the best paying eb. Oh wait never mind, maybe this was your plan all along and we are supposed to be stupid and not see your true intent.

    Also, are you going to start putting xstals on sale for these stupid events that REQUIRE you to use them to have a holy chance in hell of being eligible for rewards? So many other games do these limited time events/promos and they at least put their stuff on sale, but I'm guessing you are too greedy for this.

    I would LOVE to see a kaw wide boycott of these time trial events that you are using to shamefully exploit your customers love of shiny things and rewards in general or maybe we as a community need to drop this apps rating a star or two for you to realize that if you treat your customers like idiots that customer retention and loyalty will suffer. It's always been 1 step forward 10 steps back for you guys in trying to give your customers what they want, but more and more the only choice you are leaving players with is quit or get left behind. So disgusted with you guys right now, I truly can't even put it in words.
  7. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Of course you have a 96 xtal limit you fuckers. I honestly hope you all burn in hell.
  8. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    **** you guys. I'll smack you dumbass devs upside the head.

    You greedy assholes. Go **** yourselves.
  9. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Will TSG and Reck still have the same drops in the time trials?
  10. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    **** you guys. Get your greedy asses a new person in charge. Preferably one that doesn't hve money as his main goal. Perhaps one that cares about the community. ******* ridiculous
  11. WHY?! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?! Bring back double gold/increase drop rates like you ran last summer!! You're screwing over new players and running them from the game!!
  12. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

     boo!!! I agree a boycott is needed as this is getting ridiculous! 96 xtals!!!! It doesn't benefit many only those who are already big
  13. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    All the devs seem to be doing nowadays is draining money from the Kawmunity.. It seems to be getting more intense as the weeks pass.. You guys need to go back to the drawing board... Scratch them little ape heads  and come up with some ideas that SLOW DOWN the elite and HELP THE NEW GUY INSTEAD! 90 odd xtals a day is a joke! And on Reck or TSG even more of a joke..
    Guess its screw you new guy LB spend more!?

    Oh and while you guys are messing about giving us stuff we dont want...

    Were still not getting our spy banners...

    So screw the spies as well is it? Tut tut
  14. 96 xstals a day for the next four days. Only the next four days.
  15. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Wow! 96 crystals shows us it's about the money right? How can we actually trust that the reward payout rules will actually stay in effect?

    summer events last year benefitted all. These won't benefit the small new players. Such a shame and very shortsighted... Oh yeah guess it's just about money right? Cha-Ching ;/
  16. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    It's 96 Xtals a day... Stil 6 Xtal an eb limit Lel idiots
  17. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    So actually most clans won't be running EBs any faster. The only thing this will help in a major way is PvP.
  18. Ah ATA...

    I won't repeat what I said in the last thread. You tend not to acknowledge those posts, anyway.

    I will say that you guys need to take a SERIOUS look at your "marketing" department. If you are struggling this much, maybe they should look into some different types of advertising. I love pay-per-click ads, Google ad words, etc. Geo-targeting is fantastic (so you're getting the right demographic). MOBILE ADS are your friend.

    They should also be doing some major research on retention. How about a case study or two, done via anonymous surveys of your current customers? See what the community actually likes/doesn't like. You honestly can't tell by forums, as not every player uses them.

    Lastly, please look at the other items people keep bringing up that need FIXING before you do another blatant promotion. Give us a rest. Take a look at the PC friends list and PMs (I seriously miss 30% of PMs sent to me on PC). Take a look at a KaW World Clock. How about the PvP system?

    Just a few suggestions. It'll save you money on a consultant. Hate those guys, anyway.
  19. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Thanks for the free crystal
  20. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Why on eva only..