I like it! I do however think you should go into the eb with say... 7-10 specific clans and then be able to invite 1-3 clans for each phase (helping clans get a 48 bonus but can only be used once per eb.)
It's 105 hours, so the time limit is exactly 4 days and 9 hours! I understand! If the epic battle is to go your way, then it can help for some clans to regenerate their injured troops and spies, and could result in better teamwork. However, to contradict to this, there will be much lesser participation! Bluntly, if you see the HP of all the bars the strength of 7-10 clans is still not enough to possibly complete the epic battle, yet alone close unless all of them mass and max xtalled! That is why it is a global epic battle!
So we killed huge dragons huge giants a big a big GIGANTIC SQUALL A MONSTER MADE OF ROCK AND WE CAN'T TAKE A CASTLE GG ATA
Support. A global eb. Sounds interesting and it could bring about of a new type of player. As you wouldn't ever need to be in a clan Well thought out and I like the ideal of actually knowing the chance rate for seals and horns and being able to help increase that