Epic Battle CA Guides

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -__TyroneSparklepants__-, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. The haters on this thread don't understand how useful this thread actually is.

    Now if the devs could make it so you could copy and paste from forums on a device. It would be even more useful!!
  2. Well it is meant to make CA instructions easy and quick to copy/paste as stated earlier by polaris..

    NOT meant to be a guide for EB's even though it could be..


  3. Well Done Polaris.
    This is exactly what I need.
    Wulfs thread is too large and has too many pics. This old phone takes forever loading it.

    Hopefully this can get stickied next to Wulfs guide.
  4. You know we have your back pol, and I lmao'd @ Lurkers post. Scrolled down to the unexpected pic. XD
  5. Bump for Omen
  6. Bump for usefulness and need to be able to find it
  7. Good job, Yllop!
  8. Great Job! Helped Alot..! ;)
  9. This should get a sticky. I find myself searching for this guide every time my clan runs something other than what we usually run.
  10. Wulfs guide is the best
    But this would be a useful quick tool for people to copy and paste into ca.
    Ty op
  11. Wow that makes things better sticky this
  12. Excellent guide use it all the time
  13. This is an awesome quick reference. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort into it that you obviously have.
  14. Sticky. Great for quick copy and paste.
  15. Be nice to update and add the new ebs but I love this use it every day 
  16. Useful, don't see why others are complaining
  17. AoW is noob