Discussion in 'Wars' started by --RASPUTIN--, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Kawesome job Demon 
  2. A hansel with good equip vs attack build with low bfe
  3. I have to agree with Omar huge bfe difference cant tell on bfa since eols are hidden but with that equip im willing to bet its most likely 3/4 times larger then the amount of ops bfa. 
  4. Bfe is enough, demons could assassinate op down with ease. Fail attempt at looking tough
  5. I don't need fame like you do Omar
  6. I did get fame for stripping you and your father till both quit their mains. Was fun, bye now
  7. You had nothing to do with quitting. BUT if you'd like to bring that up again, you also talked crap about a person who passed on who we knew very well. And you took a huge toll for that
  8. There you go slandering me without ss proof. I took no toll, see osw clans have this policy, "ss or it didnt happen". You keep saying it happened yet theres no proof, only words from you and your father. Plenty know me well enough to know i wouldnt do that, therefore it never happened. Good day war runner
  9. See ya buddy! And I do still have ss ;)
  10. lol

    SICnISS may be resting now, but guy, youre still on my wall. Buried under usless clutter, because youre that important. And I will hit you for rest of my KaWreer. Youre just kinda low priority atm. Im sure it wont be long though.

  11. Lol little nooby sh's picking on each other. It's cute, like rabbits fighting.

  12. This is gonna be fun using EOL for beta test
  13. Asking for a cf to a SH.. Sad sad
  14. Cf granted. Dont spell my name wrong againZ
  15. Demon. You're nothing but a nitwit actually.

    Most of the thread is taken up with your dribble.

    Get out noob.
  16. I'm so close to making demon cf, I have the noob trapped
  17. Then ldude12 ( nice fail strip kotfe)
  18. Lol DEMONS AT IT AGAIN! Sup bro, what so going on demons?