EoE vs iZi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by diZzY01, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Lol ask Z council who asked for cf you noob
  2. And nice way to try and formulate that response to you're liking. Don't know how to do that in not a overweight 50 year old virgin who can't find his ****. Post with your main you homo
  3. I just asked them. They said to stop poking you with a stick. They said they only asked for a CF cuz it wasn't even a real war, not being hit back and all. Most the council members didn't want to war anymore because of a lack of challenge. They know you'll get butt-hurt if I keep letting people know EoE got slaughtered by iZi even though we had to stop one clan and kill off another before doing so.
  4. Also, you're clearly a 10-year-old by your use of spelling and grammar. No wonder you guys got scared off so easily and decided just to fold.
  5. Just drunk and loving life
  6. Lol 50 year old virgin  tempted to say 60 
  7. I doubt Mike is that old SekiMB. Also, you suck at warring too.
  8. Why- If you're going to try and be some big badass on forums, man up, grow a pair, and post with your main. If not, get the hell off forums, you're just a scared worthless *****.

    Bren - Do not acknowlage the lower lesser intelligent on their terms, it does not end well. They don't give up because they're too blind to see they're wrong.

    Everyone - This thread hardly has a point anymore, if some CF terms get confirmed, post it then, not now. If the war continues or the CF is broken, post it at that time, not now. If you want to trash talk and **** around with your thumbs up each others butts, get a god damn room and get the hell of forums.

    Good ******* day. 
  9. Why - Look at BMikes'name. B M i k e s. Look at sekiMB's name. s e k i M B. Read them forward, then backwards.

    Feel like a dumb-ass don't you? Good.
  10. Not really, I said he sucked at warring on BMIKE and I stand by that for any other retarded derivation of his name. Also, you're gay in the butt.
  11. Well spoken my brother adios. I expect to see your noob ass in my news if your not too afraid
  12. I expect to see you on TV sitting down to an interview with Chris Hansen.
  13. I just lost a three paragraph comment because my phone died. So you know what? **** it.

    Why, if you want to continue this pointless conversation and let me ruin your worthless little, if any, reputation; man the **** up and post with your main instead of your pathetic foruming noob. If you want to let this all go and spare the public humiliation, so be it. Let the ******* conversation die and get the hell off forums. You don't belong here.

    Now, hopefully you'll make the smarter of the two choices and let this die right now. We all want to resume our own business and live our lifes, if you have a problem with BMikes, take it up with his wall, if you have a problem with me, I don't give a flying ****.

    If you have the balls to post on this thread with your main, take a visit to BMikes news feed the open yours like your sister's legs.

    Good ******* day.
  14. When did EoE get reborn because when I was in EoE it was alive. After I left I checked awhile ago and it was dead.
  15. Geo - It was reborn more recently. I was there before it died aswell. I'm not sure on the details but if you ask dizzy he'll tell you.
  16. Nice post, I'm glad I can get under your skin that much, dooche.
  17. Why- You're not the **** up that's getting under my skin. You're the dumb **** that I'm deciding to make look like a dumb ass in public.
  18. Bravo, you've failed as this is an alt and no one really cares. You lose, loser!
  19. Why - Really? You're just now realizing that everyone knows you're a worthless alt? Honestly, no matter the account you use, you as a person, will always be a noob. You're uninformed, irrational, flat out stupid, and an annoying little prick who hides behind an alt because he's too much of a ***** to show his real face on a game that won't effect you personal life. That is, unless you're worried about thos fagile little feelings of yours  How about you crawl back up your Dad's ass and get some sleep, snowflake. It's way past your bedtime 
  20. All you doing hating on EoE with an alt is showing that EoE won and aren't to be messed with.