
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. dag I want more this should b published wen ur dun best "book" not published that I've read
  2. B U M P B U M P B U M P
  3. Bumpity bump bump
  4. Don't spam please I'm doing what I can.
  5. Sorry. Your story is great
  6. cmon Seth it's been at least 2 weeks plz post sum mor
  7. What he said  unless he isn't a he. Then it's what she said. You know what? Ima call him a guy.
    What he said
  8. Is there an ahdragos in here somewhere?
  9. @ osterly good choice
  10. I'm sorry it's been a chaotic few weeks, both in kaw and I rl, I'm doing what I can.
  11. Totally forgot I had written this part, would have added more, but you want more so badly so here it is.
    New post.
  12. Seth when u said rl do u mean "Racing Live" cuz I play dat
  13. Racing live sucks. And no he was tlakin about real life
  14. U know I was jk right I was making up a fake "rl"
  15. Lol whatever. Racing Live is real and still sucks. But he was talking about real life
  16. I know racing live exists i tried it for 10min and thought of getting my iPhone cleared just I ever downloaded it
  17. But on topic, great story