
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Yeah...I feel a bit offended now...

    I mean, I give Seth a pretty long introduction, and I get nadda. Humph.

    nah, jk. I'm sure he just forgot. At least I hope...
  2. Maybe you were just a midget gremlin who lived in the Defender's beard? XP

  3. Rofl! That seriously almost made me drop my iPod it was so funny...

    Hey...wait a minute...

    ZALN!!! Haven't seen you in awhile! How've you been??
  4. Heh I've been around. I don't play as much since school is up and about I guess lol. How have you been?

  5. Meh, can't complain. Haven't started school yet, and I still have a book to read the they're testing us on. Besides that, I'm just enjoying what's left of summer.
  6. Love ur story Seth! Keep writing!
  7. Thanks you all for the feedback, and iZ I coulda sworn you were in there.
    And crap! I knew I was forgetting something. I'll eddit the upgrade chamber post tomorrow.
  8. Ahh you mean the second bunker battle. Don't worry there's plenty of violence to come ;)
  9. Irin, I added your update to the last post.
    New post aswell.
  10. It's great! Thanks Seth.
  11. 
  12. I like it.......alot
  13. FINALLY! Ephriam, took you long enough. But it was well worth the wait. Good description
  14. Thanks koala.
    I'll have more up eventually.
  15. Moar. Moar, I say. MOAR!
  16. The next post is going to be a long one, but I'm almost done it. Should be up tomorrow.
  17. Wooo. Can't wait :)
  18. I luv it!!!
    It's brilliant!!!!
  19. Can't wait 2 read more!!!!!!