
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. New post.
  2. It's great. I is wanting moar!
  3. Hmmm... To be, or not to be lazy...
  4. NOT TO BE LAZY... That means you'll write more, right?
  5. Later, I gotta think up what happens first. To the qq club!
  6. So far you pulled off switching the point of view, very well
  7. Thanks, wasn't sure how that went.
  8. The only thing was, I didn't really catch who specifcally it was switched to. I'm going to go read that part again right now.
  9. Wait.... I get it now....
  10. Yeah I wasn't sure weather I should stay in 1st person or switch to 3rd, but 3rd would be easier to understand, so I went with that.
  11. What a troublemaker I am..... Lol
  12. OH, thats the least of the trouble you'll make.
  13. YES. This story is awesome.
  14. New post in the works, have some friends coming over, so I'm not sure how much Ill get done today.
  15. Almost done the new post.
  16. New post. Last one for the day.
  17. Two thumbs up