
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Thank you. Will try and do some work on it for the long weekend.
  2. WOOHOO SETH IS AMAZING ! ! ! B U M P ! ! !
  3. There's getting to be a trend of "unconcious strangling"..... Hmmm......
  4. Hi I read what you have up for endgame right now, and I'm looking forward to reading more!!!!! 
  5. Lol osterly. Working on a new post, hoping to have it mostly finished by tomorrow.
  6. Yay can't w8 Seth, I'm dying to read your next post. Kurk vs Zan would be an epic fight :D
  7. Hmm... Intresting idea...
  8. More, more, more lmfao.

  9. Agreed. Moar!
  10. Still a good megadeth song
  11. Please write some more soon
  12. Working on it.
  13. MOAR MOAR!!!!! I WANT MOAR NOW!!!! 
  14. Love it i really want more it's awesome

    P.S Bump
  15. *whistles*
    bump so Seth might remember
  16. Bump.

    Where's the story?
  17. thou shalt be bumped

  18. I feel abandoned by Seth 
  19. Seth your still here right??