Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Lol screw this... I'm done spending money on this game. When my current supply of xstals is done, that's it. I can think of much better things to spend my money on. ATA can go pound salt. Thanks devs... You just made my decision that much easier.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Chaos you are a brow nosing fag who loves everything ATA does
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase :lol: people complaining about extra Regen. They didn't ask you or tell you to buy more. People have asked for more Regen before. Complain more though see where it gets you guys :lol:
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Never spending another cent on this game devs your crack addiction must be getting really bad
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Terra lmfao it's not Chaos' fault he wants more regens in a day. It adds more to the PvP aspect since more regens for strips and more overall Xtals for the eb fairies to use.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase All you guys that are mad... Just tell me in one way how this is bad.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase "Waah greed" "Wow so greed much want" Wow shut your holes. Increasing the limit does not require you to purchase anything. The time trials dont require any purchases. Neither do hunts, wars, ebs, pvp, or anything you tear soaked 5 year olds complain about. You want the best, you pay for it. Thats life. I havent bought an xstal in months, and ive got a nice stash of them from quests, nobs, and mostly the devs giving them away freely. So instead of crying over non-existent greed, think about what kind of idiot cries about every single thing. Its called a bandwagon sheeple, and youre all on it.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase I have only one thing to say ata. Remember this statement?? KA: Keep this in mind – we limit whales. When we were getting guys that were spending $20,000 a day in our game. (Editor’s note: Yes, we were incredulous about this figure too. But we double-checked with A Thinking Ape by e-mail on this and they said $20,000, as in real – not virtual – currency.) We realized it was skewing our revenue and we realized we didn’t want to create a game community where people thought that you had to pay to win. Our games are so social that you could see people rise to the top of the leaderboards because they could afford to be there. That’s actually really bad for the community. We want people to rise slowly and move up the charts and have the ability to get integrated within the communities. Our users, even with those high monetization numbers are limited to like, $150 bucks a day.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Devs must have broke the bank with meego village and gaw so now that those pos games flopped they drag the old standby out of the barn and give her one more milking 's at eb
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase So I am guessing you guys don't read all the posts before commenting on them? I made a post on page 2 stating how this is bad for the game. It has nothing to do with feeling the need to use 96 xstals it is bad because of those people who use them. It upsets the balance of the game. Please go look at my post
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Infamous you are wrong. Regardless of how many Xtals they are using doesn't remove their spending cap lmfao. It just means out of what they are allowed to purchase they can use more in 1 day.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Optimal Chaos I already made a post about that on page 2. Please make a fresh thread with the same info so everyone can see because everyone overlooks mine and probably yours too.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase I just miss old kaw when devs have a damn chatted in wc had a laugh and people wanted to work as part of a team and actually support clanmates. The only thing I give devs credit for is trying to do a promo that would ideally mean clan team effort. Unfortunately what it means to us is that lb stack a clan and buy the rewards. Without the raise in xtal limit people would most probably of complimented devs for listening and doing an event on a free to play eb. Bit of an own goal the kaw. Might need to shoot the marketing manager in the knee with your lovely fang bow.