Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! How is it I do the same eb 3 times and I get 0 moth once, 46 moth from 69 hits the second time, and 44 moth from 156 hits the third time. All 3 eb's finish in the same time. Please explain.
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! Hunt??? That means we have to pursue or track the moths right?? Then why are they so easy to find? Nml or hte!! The lack of eb drop rate changes has caused this promo to be stale and boring. The funnest part of the fang hunt was tracking down the goo drops!! Oh well nml for the next month!!!
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! I remember the devs saying they learnt a lot of lessons from the fangs fail. Really? Same low rent eb all the time and zero communication from them. Way too learn lessons. This needs a rebrand from a moth hunt too a butterfly chase as there's no hunting involved and it's as about a soft a target it's possible too get
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! I hope I am lucky player I can grow with those horns and seals and the good equip I want to see how it looks like
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! If you get a level 1 rime item for example, can it be enchanted up or is it non-enchantable?
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! Ermm, i think your table of moth payout amounts is a tad out devs::;; I did 6 x xtal burn took all items and had 900 actions. I have lv 4 ee and moth payout was, yep you guessed it. 147.. Does that seems right to you clever dudes who developed this game. I pay good money to buy seals for this moth hunt and get rewarded with crap like that.. End of seal buying and moth hunt for me dudes. I've spent my last money on this rip off.
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! That's what the problem is. People will max xtal in escapes and get tons of moths. All it does is give people more cash. Escapes are kinda the same with a higher cap, but that cap takes more to reach. If you did 30 actions in Nml vs escape. It would be close, but if you did 150 actions in Nml vs escape. Nml would stay the same in the 30-60 range while escape would be higher in 130 range
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! When I buy a seal and do b2b escapes, I will not xtal in mine and take only 1 phase, sure, money is nice, but not needed. Moths are why I would be doing it
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! ''As you complete [INSERT EB NAME HERE], a few of the massive *couch *couch amount of Moths migrating, die of boredom. You picked up 47 dead Moths after an long hunt *cough not *cough''
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! I have nearly got 1000. Can't wait to see if I get The lvl 12 gear. Peace out and happy hunting my fellow KaW players️
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! Spelling mistake in op, where the levels and prizes are announced. It says "Level 8:8000 moths." instead of "Level 8: 8000 moths." FIX IT! I had too.
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! We all know you launched this promotion too maximise in app purchases and get ppl too spend any iTunes cards they got for Christmas as well. And that's perfectly fine, this is your business and livelihood. But. Did it honestly not occur too any of you (devs) that the rest of us would quite like the free too play eb too change once in a while? Would it really have been so expensive and time consuming too code in a change once a day before you all went home too your loved ones for the holidays? Is that asking too much or being unreasonable?