[ENDED] Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Well that solidifies no season 3 for me.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    In a truly predictable fashion, those clans with a few LB players and GH/SH will be the top Rancor war clans. Those who have up to half their roster as attack builds with an insane amount of towers, rest GH/SH will do very well.

    Somewhat predictable.

    Regen needs to be extended to assist folk to defeat towered builds and hit range needs to be narrowed. Make those changes and wars won't be continue to be largely dependent on following a predictable build formula.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    I see you have not listened to your earlier threads feedback and adjusted war times.
    Way to go guys, now i cannot do any wars so no season 3 for me. Thanks for nothing guys.
    Why you could not have changed 8:00pm gmt to 9:00pm is beyond me. 9 is a perfect time for all those who work with young families and i am sure it would benefit Europe. So yet again UK/EU suffer due to your favouritism towards US timings. Your customer service sucks ATA
  4. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Will there also be a new set of buyable mith equip?๎Œ‘
  5. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    War Crystal update? These were to be here in time for Season 3...

    Matchup updates (I.e give lists of clans with raw strength so we can see who we could have matched with better hit ratio... Like you've done in the past)?

    Any answers/updates?
  6. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Devs I knew you guys never stick to your word so this didn't come as a surprise. You promised war xtals when s3 starts but what do we get nothing. If you guys working at ata have just a little bit of dignity and respect(which i soooo much now doubt you have) left in you stop being greedy and keep your word. People spend rl worth of hard earned cash and all you guys do is lie to your customers. We make and keep this game active and all you do is sit back and not keep a single word you type. Have you guys looked at your ratings in app store its going down due to lack of promises been kept. Now s3 is about to start and no war xtal (which you promised) included in it. Well my fellow kaw players devs believes we are kids they can promise candy and not give it lol. I think its high time we make devs know 9+ don't and can't spend thousands of dollars on a game. The ball is in our court. Do we need to be lied and treated as kids? Its up to us to decide bcos I know even a kid will know the right thing to do now. A mod almost changed my heart about devs but now I think I was right never to trust or believe what the devs write.Have a happy s3 and its time for all gh/sh out there to make more kingdoms cry thanks to devs. Let the whinning begin lol.
  7. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Fully Support Alice!!!!! War Crystal!!!!!!
  8. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    @kaw community

    Two issues i see right now and i sincerely hope you simply forgot to mention it. Please answer the following as this basically taps into your credibility.
    1 the application of war xtals was something was something we were all promised. Why are we not hearing about this? You promised war xtals that are NOT exclusively redeemed with money


    2- where are the rancor checkpoints? We talked about this already. People not having to lose their rancor points below 10,20,30,40,50 once that plateau is reached. This will allow the players to play even more after they've reached 50 . This will help maintain diversity and a surplus of warriors playing


    Im sorry to post a ss putting you on the spot about a unfulfilled promised.
    But we have all come to see that devs are not good at following through a promise. I take a SS out of every promise the devs have done because of THiS precise situation.

    Where are we on the application of war ctals amd rancor checkpoints on s3?
  9. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)


    Shouldve been this one instead of double post
  10. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Hi again Devs, while you are considering all the other player input (including my war times) here is something else to consider. Instead of casting WoC from alchemist, perhaps it could be cast from the war schedule i.e. select which war you want to cast for.

    For example: User A lives in Singapore & wants to do war 4 at 7:00am so he has to cast by 5:00am. To do this User A needs to get up really early or wait for the end of war 3 which could be as late as 12:15am. By having the option to select which war to opt in to User A can get to bed at a reasonable hour.

    The other benefit of having the option to select which wars you want is that I think it gives you (Devs) the ability to add more wars without having to be too concerned about overlapping wars.

    Thanks again
  11. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Don't listen to the devs guys, it's all lies.
    Seen them mention equipment will be 'slightly' better than the s2 equipment..
    I remember i asked them after the end of season 2 why the equipment wasn't 10-15% better, and their response was: next season they'd mention the stats before the season starts so some would have somewhat of a preview as to what they were going to get. What you don't know is that the s3 equipment will probably be awful and the dev's defence would be that they never mentioned stats but only stated it'd be slightly better.
    Be wise people.
    @panda great post(s) mate ๎€Ž
  12. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Where are war crystals as promised
  13. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Soooo just to recap;

    No war crystals - check.
    No matchup fixes - check.
    No originality or incentive to get new equip - check.
    No removal of TVP - check.
    Heads buried in sand - check.

    Let me guess. When enough people do raise voices Kaw_Community ( or Squealer) will be wheeled out to say 'Thanks for all your input, we really do listen and we will definitely sort all this for next season. No, no, really, come on guys you can trust us'

  14. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Well this made my decision to tear down most of my towers a lot easier๎’ major disappointment.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

  16. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Hi i need a really good and experience season 3 war clan That Help Me reach Rancors lvl 50...Much Appreciate for the help please wall me if i can be perm...and ask me for what i need to join your clan...i have Good Bfe/Bfa miths pots Crystals and adt/sdt and most importan I have Experience :-D
  17. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Time to open war clan back up , but yes wht bout war xstals
  18. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Not trying to sound like I'm complaining or anything but, originally devs you had said you would be introducing war crystals for season three. I was wondering if they are still a possibility?
  19. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    Short version
    No fixes.
    No gh nerf
    No war xtals so it's all pay to play
    And no equipment info as requested.
    No decent gmt times as usual at start of season. Two a week gets nowhere. 3pm people are at work and school. 11pm-1am. Guess what we would rather be in bed. Dunno why?
    So I'm outta season 3 ty for saving me the cash devs. ๎€Ž
  20. Re: Estoc Trials: The Rancor Wars (Season 3)

    As everyone else, I would too really like to hear what you have to say about War Crystals, Developers.

    This is something very important many players waitinf for Season 3.

    And I really hope that the new equipment is NOT another colour change of the Red Paladins Equipment.

    We all expect originality this time. :)