[ENDED] Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    They need to make it so your bottom member must be able to hit your top player on your roster and then clans cant stack LB and SH.. Also make smallest build pay minimum 75% of what biggest build pays on your roster.. Thats a good start to evening the playing field
  2. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    It appears to me that the troop loss formula for failed attacks has changed for this war? Is that true?
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Also, it should be clear to us exactly when we can come out of KO. Because during the old set ko period you could spam att til the last second and be reasonably sure to get the first hit out of KO.

    During your entire ko period you knew you were ko'd because of this. As it is now, you have some grace period bur without clockwatching there is no way to know exactly when you will come out.

    The remaining time for the ko should be displayed somewhere.
  4. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Karl has no idea what he's talking about right now
  5. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Well done devs you can't fix a broken system you continue to try and keep this flawed system working by implementing tweaks that don't answer or fix anything

    Clans that stack rosters are pitiful clans Idc what clan or alliance they belong to they are worthless exploiters of the system

    Back when this started it was nicer wars but people complained so you tried to fix it the biggest problem is the players themselves for screwing the system up by exploiting it
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Please bring back the 5pm pst timeslot for us folks who have to work for a living! :D
  7. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    FULL SUPPORT !!! this is what IM TALKING ABOUT !!! full support this idea
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Are clan doesn't use sh and we still can't hit top plunder so no support to that suggestion
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

  10. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    karl its really not as simple as that - a super SH with bfa can reach up as high as lb , hence why clans stack lol
  11. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    The easiest fix to this, as i stated in the "official no match thread" and was ignored, is to tweak the Dts/Dtw system. Make the range smaller ie. 25-50% of your base stats. Basically a 5m cs player can hit up to 7.5m cs or as low as 7.5m cs (at 50% of base stats). This would pretty much solve the whole issue, stopping sh from hitting lb and top roster, also bringing mids back into war and putting sh against each other
  12. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    As low as 2.5m cs

    Sorry for mistake :)
  13. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    BUT fix the SOS hansels hit ratio ! how could it POSSIBLY be fair, for a REAL kingdom to be taken out SO easly by a dumb-midget sos hansel in an ee war ??? the Devs are putting the small builds on the same level as REAL attack/pure spy/hybrid builds , and its crap, pure crap... If a REAL build hits a sos hansel, the sos hansel should lose atleast an 1/8 of their troops or spies... its that simple...
    your giving the drawfs WAY too much power ...
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    FULL SUPPORT !!! I love that idea...
  15. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Support to eblord
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    FIX YOUR SYSTEM!!! Bozos
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Cap bfa please especially if your going to carry on with 11 man wars
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    If these stupid ass stacked wars weren't the ONLY way to get mith, you hard of hearing, no feedback reading, worthless promo having, eb creating devs might have satisfied customers. Right hand to God, I'll never participate in these raggedy manipulated ass wars again until you stop using class CS to match people.
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    We need to look in changing the way vanishing paladins starts up, on not getting a match up the battle has to be start right away so your epic battle has to be ff which means you have 15 min to regen, not fair to the person who just offloaded so I request that everyone should start with full free regens to make it fair just like the start of a war.

    So Devs please look into this
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (3/24 - 3/30)

    Not to mention 11 players on that battle isn't a good match up unless they crystal