[ENDED] April Fools!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. Re: April Fools!

    As great as this was, it's sad to see how many noobs don't know who Spragga is.
  2. Re: April Fools!

    Thanks you asses, for wasting our time and pots
  3. Re: April Fools!

    Was funny devs but maybe the time you spent pulling this off would of been better spent elsewhere on the issues we have with wars and also fix the back button on forums
  4. Re: April Fools!

    F you devs, stop wasting our time
  5. Re: April Fools!

    Way to go on time management Devs. It's a nice touch... But maybe next time follow up on made promises before you come out with a prank?
  6. Re: April Fools!

  7. Re: April Fools!

    Omg we actually have people complaining over a little April fools prank...........and on and on and on ......you get the gist
  8. Re: April Fools!

    Ty for xtal and feathers devs 
  9. Re: April Fools!

    Thank you for finally telling us our feeble attempts to topple spragga were in vein. Especially to those of us unfortunate (fortunate) enough to have our gold and build demolished in a mere handful of hits before his retirement!!

    But i must ask now, what about the 12xstals i burned over our 2 attempts to topple him? A funny joke just cost me almost $10 of my real money. Alas, spragga finally reached my pocket book:( Please respond!
  10. Re: April Fools!

    Front front front 12 xtals . You should know better bud
  11. Re: April Fools!

    haha nice one devs, i actually thought we had a chance of beating spragga. I was dumb in thinking so. Amd everyone pissed about this eb, lighten up and learn to joke aroind and have some fun, ya'll too serious
  12. Re: April Fools!

    So much anger.

    Makes it even funnier 
  13. Re: April Fools!

    kaw gods, give me the power to defeat spragga! i beg of you!
  14. Re: April Fools!

    Great thanks
  15. Re: April Fools!

    Lol thanks for the crystal
  16. Re: April Fools!

    Wait... This was nothing but an April Fool's prank?!


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :lol:
  17. Re: April Fools!

    Lol y'all thought y'all had me fooled. I did the eb just to get the feeble attempt rewards. But I knew it was a prank.

    Y'all should really do something with this eb other than use it as an April fools joke. Just give spragga (dont know if i spelled that right) a face, real hands, a real throne, a real goblet, And real armour. not the thing that looks like it was drawn by a 7-8year old kid. Take the invulnerability off of it, give it more time, Give it a few more bars, And make it drop some new equipment that is NOT like the relics. Ya know where u have to get the equipment And then scrolls to make the thing real. Yea don't do that!

    Possibly start with a few back story ebs leading up to the final battle And make sure u get all possible pieces of equipment that looks like it came from that set of ebs in that set of ebs. I think they would look awesome, And Ik y'all can come up with great stories for it!

    But Anyway great try with the prank eb! :)
  18. Re: April Fools!

    People asking about the second epic battle from the "The Great Quetzal Hunt" tier, please make a note of these two things.
    • 1. kaw_community mentioned that they will release one epic battle for every two weeks (OFC everyone knows that already!).
      2. First epic battle in that tier was released on Wednesday, not Monday(not many people realized that).
    So, expect the new epic battle in that tier to be released on/after Wednesday(02/April/2014). :)
  19. Re: April Fools!

    Omg wow unbelievable you sooooooo had me fooled with this one. I don't think ill ever recover
  20. Re: April Fools!

    The reason they didn't give Spragga a face is because no one has seen his face and lived. True story.
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