End of Barcode Exploit

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIl-LSM-Capitao-LSM-lIIII, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Lost by 140m 0.o
  2. Don't mind barcode names, but changing names during war is a load of rubbish
  3. You could use pc to see barcode.
  4. Support, give an end to that stupid practice, publish clan roster number in ko message
  5. Butt hurt lmbo
  6. Pumellor there is no answer that they can have to reason, clan numbers in the ko logs is a great idea, if it can be coded, if it can't then the alternative is to strip mith off the exploiters.... It's clearly an exploit... Using the game in a way unintended to gain an advantage is what an exploit is
  7. You know what they say, can't beat 'em, join 'em.
  8. The original post offers a simple and effective way to get rid of an exploit without people using artistic flair on their user names and without resorting to extreme measures to solve this issue
  9. Without losing artistic flair I meant, just getting in before the keyboard warriors kick in
  10. XD and yet op has a barcode name XD and I do too...
  11. Is not an exploit as many strategies have been given on how to beat barcodes. Why does everything have to be an exploit? Its simple strategy. Don't like it? Don't war. Or join em. The game keys you have any name you want. Do therefore I am playing the game theway it was intended. By choosing the name I want. I can guarantee that song a simple number won't help you if you can't even come up with a dumps strategy to beat barcodes. It's not cheating and is not an exploit.
  12. Hypocrite, loo at your name for a second
  13. The original blackhawk in bf2 was beatable... Was it a bit of an exploit Or was it stratergy?
  14. Thought we were complaining about barcodes and how they are cheating