Discussion in 'Wars' started by DeathByBeauty, Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. Can she get silenced or banned for continuously talking about banned players?
  2. She technically should have been banned after the FIRST thread where she posted for Chaos_assassin.
  3. Now she is posting art made by him.
  4. Yep, tin_tin's now my perm farm. Have fun, I'll be unloading every now and again.
  5. How bout you grow bout 50k stats and the try again, I'll also be growing
  6. 50k stats, so like after a Reck or two? xD tin_tin is pin pin, and will be for a while. You wont be growing because, well, who WOULD grow in a clan with only 4 people? You gunna hit warbeasts 24/7, then complain when I get a hit in?
  7. I agree END IT! End your forums posting and all of your threads that waste space! END IT
  8. Idiot OP giving me a link... xD so much for being in a "war clan"
  9. Tin_tin, please get off the forums, forever.
  10. Op this Is a decent recruitment thread .Take a few notes!

    Welcome again to another Chronic thread.This time we have an updated version of the old recruiting thread.

    Ʈӈɛ ʗhཞɵɲɪʗ established 1/1/13

    "Through struggle comes triumph"

    History is made soon we will have made our own history and leave a legacy behind.
    Clan was made 1/1/13

    The Chronic's current Interest
    -Expanding and getting 50 active members
    -Getting members to be confident to use the battle list
    -Getting involved with others and having a fun time
    -Use this clan as a war academy and teach OSW skills to our membs.

    -Farming is allowed yet do not come and complain when you get farmed back.
    -Being active is our far most rule we will stress about.
    -Respect other players and clan mates
    -Trash talking is allowed here but if it gets to far admins will tell you stop.
    -Engage in wars and eb's
    -Be mature and no drama
    -if a problem comes up contact my self Vengeful or Xeno

    Sorry that we have rules clan needs to be a bit organized.

    Council and admins

    These are the fully trusted admins that I believe has what it takes to become a council member.
    To become a council member is easy be your self those who stand out as a leader are selected.

    The admins are the enforcers and recruiters of the clan.
    They are the selected few who are believed will put out all for their fellow clan mates.

    A tribe with too many chiefs will fail if it has no warriors.
    If a clan wants to be successful we must attempt to use some empathy to "put our self in their shoes". You are the most important person in the clan you must follow your admins in hope of one day becoming a leader.
    You are the first priority members!

    List of people to contact
    -My self obviously.(use op link)
    -Xeno(he will probably post ASAP when this is made so get link from there)

    -S P Y

    Q and A Time
    Q:Why should I join and leave my clan?
    A:Well you should join because the clan goes by putting its members first.As well we are a free based clan with a few rules let go of your worries here and your hate for eb's we let people farm.
    Q:Is anything missing that you haven't added to your clan.
    A:There is one thing missing and that would be you.Thats not a pick up line I swear!

    Q:Why won't you tell us how to become a council member?
    A:To earn the right to be on the council is easy all you have to do is prove your a perfect fit.I won't tell you how you must find out yourself other wise people will get on the council and be destructive to the clan.

    Q:Why is your clan running inefficiently at this moment.
    A:The Chronic is running inefficiently because of my self being less active and not keeping up with previous members.This issue will be resolved soon so I am looking for people who think they got what it takes to be a leader.

    Q:Any requirements?
    A:No requirements but I will ask for now to join you should consider buying 1000 of every pot.

    Thanks for Reading Have a ʗhཞɵɲɪʗ day!

    Special thanks to the people who gave suggestions and input on how to fix the old thread to be nicer.
    - TR-White_Rabbit-TR

  11. ^this is good

    OP is bad
  12. Uh oh they are gonna give the number one clan a run for their money.
  13. Was referring to OP by the way. Not chronic.
  14. Stop talking smack cuz u were talking smack to me and now u left the clan cuz u couldn't take the heat
  15. Damn burn
  16. LAST LINE....:
    Ummm no one is with you. You are a noob that makes too many threads for attention. I recommend reading all the strategy, best of, and all other helpful guides before making any other threads....
    Noobs these days
    Now who's with ME?
  17. And this right here is why the price of clans needs to be raised by much much more
  18. I got bout 200 more ITunes credits
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