Never had a big problem enchanting until the Desert Cloak. 134 inferno and still only at level 6. What a joke.
The grieves for me was the worst. I'm slowly enchanting my alts now but they are semi active. I could do with the bow on this. I give up with the cloak inferno it hates me
op says his tactic is 70% successful, but when i get inferno, i use it all on one piece of equipment and so far iv had 2 fails and 1 reset, which makes it (one sec iv forgot)
93.33% successful, theres no tactics involved its about how lucky you are. My ring and leg things both went straight from 1 to 10
In fact, I tried the "unequip" tactic as well as the "one enchant per day" approach. I wouldn't say that I had a lot of success... The very worst equip to enchant were the golden greaves, followed by the bow. One approach that will work: Gather 100 aqua and 100 inferno and start enchanting. The chances to enchant to max level increase with the amount of aqua and inferno (especially inferno) you own before starting.
I wish I had patience to save up 100 inferno. The banner enchant kinda sucks I can't be bothered to chase the items to enchant.
I'm only on 51.000 I won't get a banner. I guess I'll just see how good the equipment is and how it enchants
I just take away all my mage's drugs (yes, he was using my enchantment equipment to make his own personal meth lab) and whiskey. No more explosions! It's great!
Enchanting is random.....i tryied to upgrade my golden-plates greaves n times....and always it failed and resetted at level 5.I will have lost about 400+ infernos with them...two days ago i tryed again...with the surprise that i passed until level after i found a reset to upgrade other piece,so i enchanted the greaves with succesfull.Seeing that i continued enchanting and finally i got upgrade the i can confirm that the mage is random....after spending 400+ infernos in greaves. Note:i am very perseverant until i get that i want.