
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by etak, May 23, 2012.

  1. COOKIE.

    I think it's going toward the romancey lovey dovey ****...
  2. Is it now?
    Ok 
  3. Keep posting!!! 
  4. I can't wait to read more of the story.
  5. Im waiting for more explaination>_>
  6. Bump. Posting more

    I was expecting Emily to keep going, but she did not. Instead she pulled something from her neck, a chain, and showed it to me. I realised that it was a locket, and an old one at that.
    On the front of the locket there was a small ruby. I looked at it carefully, and realised it was a dog. Underneath that, engraved in the metal was the unmistakeable word, loyalty. I looked at Emily for some kind of explanation, but it was clear from her expression that she had none to give me. She silently turned over the locket, and I could see two small symbols engraved on the back, but these I had no clue as to what they might be. Again, Emily just shrugged when I shifted my gaze to her equally baffled face.
    "Cool." I muttered nonchalantly after a while. "Now where were you with your story?"
    I didn't care about her fancy necklace.
    There was enough mystery in my life right now. Enough spooky stuff.
    However Emily, once again, ignored my wishes. After all, it was only hers that mattered.
    "These were my parents," she continued, oblivious to my frustration. "Mum was quite pretty, but she got angry really easily." she sighed. She showed me two tiny cut-out pictures of her parents, frozen forever in black and white, oblivious to the fact that both of their deaths would occur in only a matter of years, for one of them, months, judging on their apparent age. Her mother was indeed pretty, from what I could see of her, but resembled nothing like Emily, unlike her father, who did.
    "That's amazingly wonderful," I rolled my eyes, "Now, for the story?" I was getting impatient now, which I would normally have been from the time she decided to take out the stupid locket.
    "Maybe another time." she shrugged amiably, and ambled downstairs to lunch, as we were going out later, and had been forced to eat again before. I was beginning to see why Emily thought we were complete eating machines. I then realised abruptly that I was going to have to eat two lunches, and groaned.
    "Come on girls, food's ready," Mum called to us from below.
    "You do know I hate you, don't you?" I grumbled, as I followed her reluctantly downstairs. I decided not to waste my breath arguing, Emily was too stubborn.

    Halfway through both of my lunches, I decided to show Emily that I could annoy her too, and steered the conversation towards Emily's past. She smiled evilly at me, realising my plan.
    "Oh Celeste, I've spent the whole morning explaining every detail of the life I can barely remember to you, do I really have to again?" she groaned theatrically.
    "Of course not Emily," My dad shook his head, "Celeste stop being such a pain!"
    "Huh," I mumbled under my breath, "I'm glad I'm an only child."
    But I obviously didn't say it quietly enough, because someones fork clattered to the floor, and my parents started exchanging those, I-know-something-you-don't looks.
    "Actually Celeste," My mum trembled, "You weren't always."

    ****DumDumDUM! Lol. Sorry I coolant continue with the explanation, a problem arose.  Hold on though, still a good bit to happen.
  8. Sorry *couldn't
  9. Lol it's going real good! Keep it up!
  10. Thanks. Going to post more tomorrow night, as wrecked now.
  11. Dude I personally didn't like it
  12. Keep writing! 
  13. great story please continue
  14. "His name was Jared." my mum began, while I merely sat there in shock, wondering what the world had come to, what with all this pretence and lying. "And he looked exactly like you Celeste, do you know why?"
    What a stupid question.
  16. "Because you were twins Celeste, and the best of friends at that. At least," she wobbled uncertainly, "You were his friend. You did absolutely everything together. And then, well on your first day at school Jared felt sick. Very sick. We, we thought it was just nerves, and we let it go. But after a few days we decided to go to the doctor. Then we knew something was wrong, very wrong. Anyway, it turned out Jared had cancer. He never turned five."
    My stomach lurched. The room span wildly around me. I ran upstairs, frantically trying to get away from this, this...
    There wasn't even a word for it.
    Years had passed, ten in fact, and not once had I ever visited my brother's grave. Not once had I ever stopped and remembered him. Never shed a tear since he died. Never said a prayer, lit a candle, never, never...

    The list just went on.
    I flopped down on my bed and buried my head in the duvet.
    Why couldn't I remember him?
    A little voice in my head piped up, "But what if you can, Celeste?"
    But was it? I tried really hard to think of any young boy that might have been part of my life when I was younger. Someone that looked like me. Hmm....
    And then something clicked, and I was forced back into my own confusing past.

    "Jay-rid," I called out from behind the big tree. "Jay-riddd! I wanna play catch! C'mon!" I grumbled, my pigtails swinging with the shaking of my head. Why was he so slow?
    "It's Jeh-rid, Celeste. Jared. And don't boss your brother around like that, you don't own him!" my mother corrected me from a window she was opening inside the house. "Now play nicely."

    The image changed abruptly, and I was no longer standing in my back garden, but in my old school's playground.

    How dare they, I thought, as I marched over to the big girls and boys that were pushing my Jay-rid around. How dare they.
    That was my job.
    First I told them they were babies. They laughed at me then, so I bit the biggest one. He then cried, proving my theory. I didnt think MISS BYRNE was happy. No, she was fairly sure she wasn't a baby either.
    I had to help Jay-rid though, he was the real baby, so I had to be strong for him, because he was the weak baby. And I was his strong mummy.

    The scene changed again, and I was in the doctors, then it changed again, and I began to relive the one memory I hadn't wanted too. "Jay-rid's" funeral.

    No, no, no! Someone must stop this! What was happening. Mummy was crying, so was Daddy, and all the king's horses and men. It wasn't right. The church was full of crying people in black suits. I didn't want to wear a black suit though, soI wore my favourite dress instead. Mummy was smiling then, "Yes," she said, "Yes, for Jared."
    No. Not for Jared, for me. Jared is gone to sleep, and when I go to sleep I will meet him, and he will be a fairy with wings. I think Mummy said that.

    I gasped for air. Had that really just happened? Had I just seen and felt and been, what I thought I had? It made no sense. I looked up, and Emily was there, smiling down at me.
    "Just another case of lost time." she shrugged.

    ****yes I know nothing much happens here, but the next thing is too much to put in straight after this. Feedback please!
  17. Like the book!!!
  18. im so interested in the book please write more
  19. Thanks