I've decided to write a bit more, as I'm writing the main book soon. (This story is only the prequel.) Its short but I might write more, idk. Celeste's Pov. My hand wandered over the blank page, etching out a memory that was not mine, of a boy I'd never met, out of a feeling I'd never experienced. There was only one person to blame, and she didn't care anyway. She didn't have a life to ruin, so she used mine instead. I didnt care anymore. It was her story, not mine. And yet today, today it might just be. My hand continued writing, describing the details of a night I'd never witnessed, of a boat I'd never been on, a feeling I'd never experienced. I sighed for the fifty-sixth time that day, and waited for Emily to make her re-appearance. "You should go to sleep." she murmured, entering the room soundlessly, and knowing fully that her words would have no effect on me whatsoever. "Look, I'm sorry Celeste. About everything. And, and, you don't have to do it you know, you really don't." Once again, I don't answer her. I make as if to go to bed, and finally getting the message, she trudged back out of the room, leaving me and my nightmares to battle it out alone. As expected, I'm back on the ship. Somewhere in the distance I hear Karo calling for me, telling me to get off the boat, he'll catch up with me later, but I can't move. I'm trapped in a small circular room, where a hundred rectangular mirrors glare at me from all directions. I stare into one of them, and Emily looks back at me, as I knew she would. Once again, I am Emily. The piercing blue eyes glare accusingly at me, before the girl in the mirror disappears once again, leaving myself and the mirrors alone, listening to the grief-stricken voice of a boy I love, and have never known. He calls for me, tells me to leave my father, it's too late. Then it hits me. My father. I run out of the room through a door that hadn't existed before, run out to find him, but I don't. Instead I find her, the blonde haired girl with the lilac eyes, light another match. And then I wake up. ^^^^the more feedback, the more I write. You decide __o(._.)o |-|-|-|
I'm currenty suffering from writers block guys, and I've just started a new school, so don't expect much from me, that post took a while (something I now do not have) to write, and I'm too tired anyways now. (I'm writing this in bed). So peace out for a bit, and I'm writing a new story on my laptop, (you never know when that might appear)