Yeah it's not fair. A bc gets max items for 1 unload, and i get 1/4 of what he gets for 1 unload. Nice event to feed the bigs
You get out what you put in?? Sorry karma but you may as well tell all new players should Off and not bother with events. Events are supposed to be open to all. Equally. All forms of competition are. And that's what events are. And also the strongest reason why 1 attack, steal, assa should equate to 1 event token and let the most active or highest spender during that event win. Not just those who have been around the longest. They won't be here forever and neither will new players if they have no real shot at competing for event prizes. 500 successful actions should equal 500 tokens for an event ( excluding scouts 0 for that) let the best player or biggest wallet by the prizes. Also why it should be tier rewards not top 10 so that all can reach set targets based on very very active players activity on an average event. Ie 2 weeks to get 28,000 thousand tokens or whatever it works out as.
I totally agree to that. An event should reward you for what you invest in it (time, money) and not for prior investments.
Thats a pretty good way of looking at it Ppl that spent 2-3yrs longer on KaW than Ops cannot be faulted by those of us coming later.
I think this is completely fair. 100%. A small build shouldn't be in the top 100. Why? Because the small player who just started would get trillions just from playing hard for a few days? Is that fair? No. I'm perfectly happy with ONLY getting 115 billion. At my size that's a LOT. 11.5 bill is also a LOT for a small player. If a small player gets the same amount in proportion to his build as I do, then I'm fine with that. I think it's completely fair.
Since this game is international and the ATA is based out of Canada is the currency to buy xstals and nobs based off the USA. It's $6 for a seal here how much do you pay?
Agree with Cow. If everyone got the same payout simply based on actions it will create a huge influx of statless accounts with high BFE. They should sit through 5000 SR like the rest of us did hoping for the boots. It will build character.
If you really want to get good and get on the leaderboard play hard for a long period of time. You can't go into other games and play super hard for a week and expect to be at the top. It takes time.
Cow's point is the most valid here. Top 100/10 really isn't a goal for most players anyway since there r many f2p like me. However, even getting like a 1000 elixir reward can be a huge boost for a newbie. And for two weeks, that's totally achievable! 5000 elixirs is a monumental boost for many players too, activity is quite rewarded I say.
Almost any player can reach 1000 elixer and that's 225 bil! That's more than my whole build I've worked on for 8 months now! That's crazy good. Yall should be thankful not complaining.
To all those people who support cow- Kindly See TuRock Who posted this thread.. He is no statless or newbie..Is A 75+m Cs Account & For that i am sure he has been playing the game much longer.. & People like Cow Want a hierarchy system so that the player who has been playing longest have advantage over others who have joined maybe 1-2 years later them in the event drops.. What this does is increase the Diffrence between lb & Mids like OP even more..Where A Lb can get max event items only by using 1 xtal & a mid build like OP needs to use 2+ xtals for more Event item drops.. This Widens The Gap between the players even more & is by no means fair.. Suppose OP & x LB Both make it to top 100.. The xtals that LB player saved up in comparison to OP will be Much more..So The LB Can then use all those xtals to build.up his BFA even more & This would just WIDEN THE GAP BETWEEN MIDS & LBS Hope This Opens Up Your Eyes & You Stop Worshipping Devs & Actually Support the community in Helping The Game Fix Some of Its Fixable Issues..
i'm going to go in with the folks saying "bigger builds should get bigger equipment because they are bigger". how many games give the highest tier equipment to weak players? there are a lot of valid complaints to be made about kaw, but this isn't one of them.
But eventually they get BC and then what? They stop growing! no way! Wait? Then what happens? Since lb's stop growing and everyone else continues to grow, maybe everyone catches up?!? No way!
um...huh? no. then they buy allies and get even stronger. and then they pressure ata to release new lands so their precious advantage can't be stripped. then they insta build complete. then they hire more allies. repeat.
Not really.. I have unloaded many times, each time recieving a variation from 25-35 elixir. However I would agree with those who say lb players have the right to earn more.. Had I been playing for 5 years and was lcbc, I would be quite upset if someone who had played not nearly as long as me and was half my size was able to place just as good as me for the same amount of work. Also it's only top 100, there are plenty of top lb not in top 100 in event. This event is still amazing for small builds, collecting 5k is 1t gold, which is helpful to just about every build. I think these events are great for new players. Anyone who is in top 100 has been extremely active or spent money regardless of their build. I do have to say the the concept of an event based on actions is interesting, and I think incorporating if could be cool, but I support the current event system they have in affect. You must take into account the fact that am event based on actions will be won by people who max xstal everyday. Anybody trying to win otherwise would have to be on and not waste any hits. Interesting concept though.
The LB are in their own tier. I don't see why a lot of the community in KaW wants to bring them down/bridge the gap... they have been playing longer and harder than most of the people here. Of course they're going to have more stats than OP if they've had a year or two head start. That's just the reality of the game. Why is it an "issue" that there's a gap between them and other players? Yes, there's going to be a gap. There's ALWAYS going to be a gap. The only way a gap will get closed is if the devs suddenly halt the accounts of the top players, and that's not going to happen. I don't play this game to bridge the gap, I play it to have fun. We're not worshipping the devs here, nor are we bashing them. This is how they've designed/programmed KaW, and it's our opportunity as consumers to play it. Despite what you think, the devs aren't idiots. They're not going to be able to please everybody, and a toxic community that bashes them for trying to come up with different ideas DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING. For me, I'm simply happy that there is a fair game without noticeable bugs, no hackers, and a fun, malleable strategy. So, again. Yes, the LB players will get more, because they've been playing longer. They've invested more money in the game. If I were ATA, would I support the f2p players (aka, me) who are along for the free ride? Or would I support the LB players, those who have spent a huge sum of money on the game? I'm sick of people complaining about all the problems in KaW. No matter what they're doing, everyone thinks the devs are wrong and that THEIR way is better. Well, at least we're having a good time in the game. It might be going downhill, but the community, not the devs, will be its downfall. /rant Tl;Dr I think the system is pretty good as-is.
Idk... It took me 2 1/2 years just to get decent eb eq and enchant it. Even the low end event eq is better than that. Id say part of the event is about having an account that has had the work put into it. Its part of the incentive to grow. The events should be more than just activity at that specific moment, but reflect the whole point in growing a competitive kingdom. Sure, i want the best rewards and want to put in as little effort as possible to get it but you dont show up to a race in a pinto expecting to out run a formula 1 car, do you?