Egg tracker

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, May 21, 2014.

  1. Got 42 on smoke signals
  2. 59 on ROTWB
  3. Reg Haunts Drop 10 Each Eb:)
  4. 45 hits on evanescence = 15 eggs
  5. This is gonna be harder to do than feathers.a buncwh of monkey muffins if ya ask
  6. These trackers always look the same. "HTE dropped blah blah blah" We already know that will drop the best. Can people stick to reporting other drops?
  7. Average 25 eggs on battle royale
  8. ACC 29 Eggs
  9. 16 reckoning
  10. 68 - 70 HtE
  11. I get 67 From Row about 135 a hour
  12. 69 HTE. how much does normals Warbeasts drop?
  13. I got forty on ss
  14. Get anywhere from 50's-60's ROWB
  15. 14-19 from Reckoning/23-26 from Battle Royale
  16. 60 eggs on RotWB with only 4 hits. and 58 before that with full unload. Seems amount of hits might not matter.
  17. About 42 on summoner